A Multi-cycle Climatic Fluctuation Record of the Last Interglacial Period:Typical Stratigraphic Sect

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a247114340
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The Last Interglacial Period strata in the Milanggouwan section in the Salawusu River valley on the Ordos Plateau, China, have 8.5 sedimentary cycles composed alternately of eolian dune sands, fluvio-lacustrine facies and paleosols. Based on comprehensive analyses on the distribution of magnetic susceptibility and CaCO3 and paleo-ecology indicated by fossils in the region, it is considered that the sedimentation cycles resulted from dry-cold and warm-humid climate fluctuations. Magnetic susceptibility values and CaCO3 contents in stratigraphic sectors I, III, V and II, IV basically respectively present peaks and low vales, and the former three can in time correlate with MIS5a, MIS5c and MIS5e successively and the latter two with MIS5b and MIS5d. In addition, some horizons of eolian dune sands and the low vales of their magnetic susceptibility and CaCO3 are also correlated with 6 periods of cooling events indicated by the higher content of foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (S.) documented in the V29—191 drill in the North Atlantic and the cold events recorded by δ 18O in the ice cores in GRIP, especially with 9 periods of dust events in Chinese Loess Plateau. Based on the comprehensive analyzes on the distribution of magnetic susceptibility and CaCO3 and paleo-ecology indicated by fossils in the region, it is considered that the sedimentation cycles occurred from dry-cold and warm-humid climate fluctuations. Magnetic susceptibility values ​​and CaCO3 contents in stratigraphic sectors I, III, V and II, respectively present peaks and low vales, and the former three can in time correlate with MIS5a, MIS5c and MIS5e successively and the latter two with MIS5b and MIS5d. In addition, some horizons of eolian dune sands and the low vales of their magnetic susceptibility and CaCO3 are also correlated with 6 periods of cooling events indicated by the higher content of foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (S.) do cumented in the V29-191 drill in the North Atlantic and the cold events recorded by δ 18O in the ice cores in GRIP, especially with 9 periods of dust events in Chinese Loess Plateau.
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