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文章从经济与产业的角度研究森林生态系统服务,立足以产业发展形式带动森林生态系统的恢复与保护事业,满足国民经济和社会对森林的生态需求。阐述了森林环境服务业的概念,分析了我国森林环境服务业发展现状及存在的主要问题,提出了快速发展我国森林环境服务业的对策及政策建议。 This article studies the service of forest ecosystem from the perspective of economy and industry, and based on the form of industrial development, brings about the recovery and protection of forest ecosystem and meets the ecological needs of the national economy and society for the forest. It expounds the concept of forest environment service industry, analyzes the current situation and existing problems of forest environment service industry in our country, and puts forward the countermeasures and policy suggestions of rapid development of forest environment service industry in our country.
磁极是发电机结构中的主要部件,而磁极压板是构成磁极的重要零件。由于线圈装配的需要,要求磁极压板中有一段需加工成 Pole is the main component of the generator struc
本文结合角钢柔性冲裁生产线,在介绍型材加工柔性制造系统的概念、结构、意义和要求的同时,提出了这一类型FMS的控制、机床结构、应用工艺和提高系统利用率的改进措施。 In
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对低碳、低合金、高强度18Mn2CrMoBA钢的焊接性进行了分析,确定了焊接工艺参数及接头性能,介绍了焊接的具体工艺措施。 The weldability of low carbon, low alloy and high
Quay crane and yard truck scheduling are two important subproblems in container terminal opera-tions which have been studied separately in previous research. Th