
来源 :齐齐哈尔师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youfei741101
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1931年“九·一八”事变后,苏联不顾1924年中苏协定的规定,擅自与日伪谈判出售中东铁路问题。1933年6月25日,苏联、伪满、日本三方面代表在东京举行第一次会议,开始谈判转让中东路问题。其后,又经过57个回合,历时21个月,终于在1935年3月23日,苏联与伪满在东京正式签订了《关于北满铁路之苏维埃社会主义共和国联邦权利让渡于满洲国及苏维埃社会主义共和国间缔结之协定》(《苏满协定》)。 根据上述苏“满”关于让渡中东铁路交涉过程的史实,我们可以判定其具有双重性质,即:从苏联方面来说,是以中东铁路为己有,背信弃义,出卖中国主权的卑劣行为;就日本而言,是假托伪满之名,行侵吞中国主权之实的强盗行径。 After the Incident of September 18, 1931, the Soviet Union, without regard to the provisions of the 1924 Sino-Soviet agreement, arbitrarily negotiated the sale of the Middle East Railway with Japan and the Puppet Government. On June 25, 1933, the representatives of the Soviet Union, Manchukuo and Japan held their first meeting in Tokyo and began negotiations on the transfer of Middle East Road. Thereafter, after another 57 rounds lasted 21 months, finally on March 23, 1935, the Soviet Union and the Manchukuo officially signed the “Declaration on the Federal Rights of the Soviet Socialist Republic of the North Manchurian Railway in Manchukuo and Agreement concluded between Soviet Socialist Republics ”(“ Suman Agreement ”). According to the historical facts about the transfer of the Middle East Railway by the Soviet Union, “Manchu”, we can judge that it has the dual nature of: From the Soviet Union’s point of view, it is a base act of using the Middle East Railway as its own, treachery and selling China’s sovereignty; Japan, in the name of the pseudo-Manchukuo, acts as a robber who has swallowed up China’s sovereignty.
<正> 三、定植前的土壤准备 1.园地选择 园地应选择光照条件好、肥沃、保水保肥力强的土壤。在坡地上建园,坡度以不超过4度、坡向以南坡或东南坡为宜。土壤要求中性或微酸性,
<正> 根据苏联现行的规定,高等学校的教师是按固定工资额领取工资的。这种工资制度是依据教师的职务、学位、学衔以及从事教育和科研工作的工龄期限而制定的。在这种制度下,