
来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donghao3000
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人工补植通常用于增加低商业价值树种盛行的次生林中期望树种的密度。本研究评估了均格种植法(vis-à-vis gap)和行植法(line planting)2种人工补植方法,以及老挝过度采伐的热带混合落叶林中的青皮木(Vatica cinerea) 和龙脑香木(Dipterocarpus alatus)和3种豆科植物(缅茄 Afzeliax ylocarpa,大果紫檀Pterocarpus macrocarpus,酸枝木Dalbergia cochinchinensis)的表现。人工补植实验安捧在了一个随机完整的大块场地,做了7个重复。栽植7年后测定了存活率、高度和直径生长,并进行方差分析。用2种人工补植方法栽植的幼苗的存活率没有发生变化(p>0.05)。然而,就直径和高度生长而言,均格种植法要比行植法效果更好。这与林冠在格间和行间块速封闭有关,这种情况在行间更加明显。在存活率,高度和直径生长方面,存在着明显的种间变异。耐阴的龙脑香科树种存活率和生长表现优于喜光树种(p<0.0001)。个体的大小分布不规则,说明林下光照条件不均衡。考虑到行植法很难维持恒定线条宽度和均匀光线条件,及其每年用于清理的成本和僵硬的几何模式,我们推荐采用均格种植法。龙脑香木(Diperocarpus alatus)和青皮木(V.cinerea)可用于混合阔叶林人工补植的树种。缅茄、酸枝木和大果紫檀可作为人工林的混合树种,在较宽林隙地、直线区域和开放地种植或在火耕林幼林冠下种植。 Artificial replanting is often used to increase the density of desirable tree species in the secondary forest in which low commercial value species prevail. This study evaluated two methods of artificial replanting: vis-à-vis gap and line planting, as well as Vatica cinerea and dragon in over-harvested tropical mixed deciduous forests Dipterocarpus alatus and three legumes (Afzeliax ylocarpa, Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Dalbergia cochinchinensis). Artificial replanting experiment Ann held in a random complete large site, made seven repetitions. After 7 years of planting, survival, height and diameter growth were measured and variance analysis was performed. Survival rate of seedlings planted with two artificial replanting methods had no change (p> 0.05). However, in terms of diameter and height growth, homogenous planting is better than planting. This is related to canopy closure at the block and row blocks, which is more noticeable between lines. There are obvious interspecific variations in survival, height and diameter growth. The shade-tolerant dicotyledonous twig had better survival and growth performance than the wild-tree species (p <0.0001). The size of the individual distribution is irregular, indicating uneven lighting conditions under the forest. Considering that it is difficult to maintain a constant line width and uniformity of light conditions by line planting, and the yearly cost and rigid geometric pattern used for cleaning, we recommend the homogenous planting method. Diperocarpus alatus and V. cinerea can be used for tree species mixed with artificial planted broadleaf forests. Burmese, rosewood, and red rosewood can be used as mixed tree species in plantations and planted in wide open gaps, straight areas and open areas or under the canopy of young firewood.