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人活在世上,就得吃、喝、拉、撒、睡。而洁具就和这五件事中的“拉、撒”密切相关,可见其在现代生活中占有相当重要的地位,不可小觑。如今,人们的生活质量日益提高,因此,也就讲究起洁具的档次来了。在改革开放之前,能住上带抽水马桶的单元房的居民微乎其微。只要能住上这种房子,就已经很令人羡慕了。至于洁具的档次,似乎没有多少人讲究。可到了20世纪末,情形就大不相同,凡迁入新居的,在装修时,十有八九是要更换洁具的。而检验新居装修的水平,其洁具的档次还往往是关键。大凡逛过建材市场的人都知道,豪华型的高档洁具,其价格比普通洁具要高出几十倍,花上万元钱买只抽水马桶,已不足为奇。只要你兜里有钞票,想要把自家装修成国宾馆的总统套间都不是什么难事。然而,话又得说回来,无论抽水马桶有多高档,其最基本的功能还是抽水。能将污物一冲而净,使住户保持一个清洁卫生的环境,就万事大吉。1998年,在我迁入新居之前,还真就因洁具要不要换 People living in the world, you have to eat, drink, pull, scatter, sleep. And sanitary ware and these five things in the “pull, scatter” is closely related, we can see it occupies a very important position in modern life, should not be underestimated. Today, people’s quality of life is increasing day by day, therefore, also pay attention to the grade of sanitary ware came. Before the reform and opening up, there were very few residents who could afford to use the toilet with toilet. As long as you can live in this house, it has been very enviable. As for the grade of sanitary ware, it seems that not many people pay attention to it. Can be the end of the 20th century, the situation is very different, where moved into new homes, decoration, in the last ten to nine is to change the sanitary ware. The test of the new home decoration level, the grade of their ware is often the key. Everyone who visited the general building materials market know that luxurious high-grade sanitary ware, the price is several times higher than ordinary ware, spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy only flush toilets, no less surprising. As long as you have a banknote in your pocket and want to decorate your home into the Presidential Suite of the State Guesthouse, it will not be difficult. However, then again, the most basic function of a toilet is pumping, no matter how high the toilet. Able to clean up the dirt so that residents to maintain a clean environment, everything will be fine. In 1998, before I moved into a new home, really because of sanitary ware or not to change
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1.FAO/IAEA 关于“拉丁美洲通过突变育种改良水稻和其它谷类作物第一次研究协调会”3月30日—4月3日在厄瓜多尔基多召开。2.FAO/IAEA“亚太地区半矮秆水稻突变改良第三次研
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