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政府采购制度是西方国家公共支出管理的一项重要制度。随着我国《政府采购法》的出台,我国形成了相对完善的政府采购制度,政府采购机构设置也日趋合理,也比较完善,政府采购实践也取得了一定的成果。但由于观念上没有转变,配套措施尚不健全,我国政府采购制度在实践中还存在着政府采购法律体系不健全、采购效率低、招投标和信息系统不完备、监管不到位等诸多问题。因此,要借鉴西方发达国家的先进经验,坚持从我国实际出发,进一步完 Government procurement system is an important system of public expenditure management in western countries. With the promulgation of the “Government Procurement Law” in our country, our country has formed a relatively perfect system of government procurement. The establishment of government procurement agencies has also become more reasonable and sound, and the government procurement practices have also achieved some results. However, since there is no change in concept, the supporting measures are not yet perfect. There are still many problems in our government procurement system, such as the imperfect legal system of government procurement, inefficient procurement, incomplete bidding and information system, inadequate supervision and so on. Therefore, we should learn from the advanced experience of the developed western countries and persist in proceeding from the reality of our country and further completing
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