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随着科技的迅速发展,教育现代化的进程也不断加快。值得一提的是,多媒体技术的应用对于传统的教学模式是一个极大的提升。在音乐教学的过程中更是展现了独特的魅力,不再局限于传统的教学空间,使学生对于音乐的理解更加广阔。同时通过多媒体技术,使老师的教学内容更加丰富,更好地激发了学生对音乐学习的兴趣,使学生由被动的学习转化为主动的学习,使原先枯燥呆板的传统教学模式变得更加丰富多彩,对推动学生进一步开展音乐学习起到了一定的催化作用。 With the rapid development of science and technology, the process of education modernization is also accelerating. It is worth mentioning that the application of multimedia technology for the traditional teaching model is a great improvement. In the process of music teaching is to show a unique charm, is no longer confined to the traditional teaching space, so that students have a broader understanding of music. At the same time, through multimedia technology, the teaching content of the teacher is enriched, the students’ interest in music learning is better stimulated, the students are transformed from passive learning to active learning, and the original dull and dull traditional teaching mode is enriched , To promote students to further music learning played a catalytic role.
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寒冷的冬夜,案发高等学府:三位老人一瞬间成了抢劫杀人犯的刀下鬼。凶犯在现场留下了三种奇怪的脚印,同时也给侦破人员留下了一个迷魂阵…… Cold winter night, the case o
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概述了某石油专用管工程地基处理方案,重点分析了3∶7灰土的运用,并对桩基方案和3∶7灰土换填方案进行了技术、经济比较,可供同类工程设计参考。 The project of foundation
市中区和平街一幢居民楼下,许多人都在紧张注视着三楼的一个敞开的窗口…… “妈妈!妈……!”一个七、八岁的小女孩哭叫着,突然,头一歪倒在了窗台上,鲜血顿时顺着窗口流了下
Recent research has shown that circular hollow section(CHS) joints may exhibit non-rigid behavior under axial load or bending. The non-rigid behavior significan