
来源 :四川果树资料汇编 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyw897570
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甘肃省天水地区出产的红星苹果,颜色鲜艳,果形美观,品质优良,驰名中外,为我国外贸出口,支援社会主义革命和社会主义建设做出了一定贡献、中央决定我区为全国苹果外销基地之后,所属县、市、社队,积极发展以红星等“三红”品种为主体的新建果园,相继完成或超额完成了年度基地建园任务。一个“以果促农”,“以果养农”,为毛主席革命外交路线争光,尽快普及大寨县,争取为人类做出较大贡献的果树发展高潮正在掀起。 Red Star Apple produced in Tianshui Prefecture, Gansu Province, has bright colors, beautiful fruit shape, good quality and is well known both at home and abroad. It has made some contribution to China’s export and support for the socialist revolution and socialist construction. The Central Government decided that the region should serve as the national apple export base Since then, the county, city and commune teams under their control have actively developed newly-built orchards with “three reds” such as Red Star as the mainstay, and completed or exceeded the tasks of the annual base construction. A climax of development of fruit trees “if agriculture is promoted by fruit” and “if agriculture is raised by fruit”, win glory for Chairman Mao’s revolutionary diplomacy, popularize Dazhai as soon as possible and strive to make greater contributions to human beings.
目的 研究子宫内膜间质肉瘤(EndometrialStromalSarcoma,ESS) 的组织学形态和免疫组化表达。 方法 应用常规HE染色、免疫组化标记和组化染色对16 例ESS及10 例正常子宫内膜、肌组织进行回顾性研究。 结果 ESS细胞的
,’叫。斤。;。,。令。鲫。a’叫申乏。’~飞1,’穹纲\g,’伞’。“R’。自刁明’q宁矛葫噶’卸。。罚叮又令”百’言巧。勺’1】。’。日。月弥勺’气。g。”。。15 q k’叫毫11’g
去年,正當蕎麥開花的季節,記者對集中在河北省定縣一帶放蕎麥蜜的外來蜂场作了一次訪問。 Last year, during the blooming season of buckwheat, the reporter made a vis
The continuous dehydration of D-glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF) was carried out under mild conditions,using SO3H-functionalized acidic ionic liquids a
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