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作為世界文化的發源地之一,中國丰富多彩的文化遺產,素為千百萬海內外人士所尊崇和關切。本期所載的《敦煌學在中國》就是介紹中國的?覍W者在繼承、發揚傳統文化方面所作的努力。新中國成立以來,對盬o和發展傳統文化做了大量工作。在今天建設現代化的進程中,中國仍然十分重視這方面的工作。目前從事文物事業的人員就有兩萬八千多人,其中包括一批?液脱芯咳藛T。八十年代起,全國開展了文物普查和複查工作,僅新發現的文物史迹就达十余萬處。 As one of the birthplaces of world culture, China’s rich and colorful cultural heritage is praised and cherished by millions of people both at home and abroad. The issue of “Dunhuang Studies in China” in this issue is intended to introduce the Chinese people’s efforts in inheriting and promoting traditional culture. Since the founding of New China, a great deal of work has been done on education and the development of traditional culture. In the process of building modernization today, China still attaches great importance to this work. At present, there are more than 28,000 people engaged in cultural relics, including a number of T-shirts. Since the 1980s, the work of carrying out census and reexaminations of cultural relics has been carried out across the country. Only over 200,000 new historical relics have been discovered.
中毒性休克综合征(toxic shock syndrome,TSS)是一种以发热、低血压、皮疹、皮肤脱屑和多器官系统功能损害为特征的临床症候群,1978年由 Todd 等首次描述并命名。近数年来,
The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light lamp bulbs-or even to run a small electric motor-is almost unbelievable, but sever
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