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为了引导人们多读书,读好书,读书与实践结合,通过读书出人才、出成果,推动两个文明建设,沈阳市从1986年起即组织读书竞赛活动。1989年由市委宣传部、市文化局、市教委、市总工会、市妇联、团市委、沈阳日报社、市广播电台、电视台九家联合下发文件,在全市开展以利用图书馆为主要方式的读书竞赛活动。本刊今年第3、4期合刊曾有所报道。在这次规模空前的读书活动中,市、区(县)图书馆和工厂、学校等单位的图书馆(室)对30万读者做了大量工作,收到显著效果。曾有300多名读者报来了读书总结材料。它真实生动地说明了紧密结合实际认真读书,是振兴各项事业的成功之路,也说明图书馆在两个文明建设中的重要作用。现将这些材料摘录,分成十个专题发表,以飨读者。 In order to guide people to read more books, read good books, study and practice, through reading out talent and achievements and promoting the building of two civilizations, Shenyang City has organized reading competitions since 1986. In 1989, the Propaganda Department of Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Bureau of Culture, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal Women’s Federation, Communist Youth League, Shenyang Daily, Radio and TV stations of the People’s Republic of China issued the document jointly and mainly in the city to utilize the library Reading Contest. Articles 3 and 4 this year have been reported. In this unprecedented reading activity, libraries (offices) of municipal, district (county) libraries and factories, schools and other institutions have done a great deal of work for 300,000 readers and have received remarkable results. There were more than 300 readers reported to study summary materials. It shows vividly the fact that studying closely in light of reality is a successful route for rejuvenating various undertakings and also shows the important role of libraries in the construction of the two civilizations. These materials are now excerpted, divided into ten topics published in order to readers.
抗菌素致过敏休克已屡見不鲜,以青、鏈霉素所致者居多,四环素族过敏者多为胃腸刺激症状及皮疹等,严重过敏休克尚未提及。現将本院遇到四环素族过敏休克两例报告如下: 例1,高
目的:妇女生殖器癌瘤主动脉旁淋巴结转移的有无,是关系到预后及选择治疗方法的重要因素.这里就主动脉旁淋巴结转移的诊断方法,特别是 CT 诊断的价值以及转移病例的疗效进行
洋地黄配糖类(Digitalis glycosides)大量的应用,代替了较粗的制剂——洋地黄叶以后,便出现了中毒问题,例如用洋地黄毒苷(Digitoxin)时,心律不齐常常是它过量的第一个征象,
<正> 一.原发性甲状腺机能低下症的原因大体上可分为甲状腺组织减少和甲状腺激素合成减少两方面。甲状腺组织减少是由放射性碘治疗、甲状腺摘除手术、X 线照射、慢性甲状腺炎
本实用新型属于汽车技术领域,特别涉及一种汽车节油装置。 The utility model belongs to the technical field of automobiles, in particular to an automobile fuel-savi
文章通过美国亨丁顿海滨图书馆的一次藏书剔旧工作,阐明了图书剔旧对藏书发展的影响,提出了藏书建设及相应剔除工作中应予引起注意的一些问题,有着一定的参考价值。 The art
砒霜(三氧化二砷)毒性剧烈,广泛用于工农业,易誤食中毒。我院于1964年4月收治一家六口砒霜中毒。經搶救4例痊癒,2例死亡。对痊癒者随訪三个月。茲报告于后。临床表現 症状: