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舞台艺术是由许多部分组成,舞美设计就是其中之一,舞美设计想要达到尽善尽美的效果,就必须要进行创新,可以说没有创新,就没有舞美设计的发展。随着时代的不断发展,舞美设计也融入了很多新鲜血液。社会在不断地创新,舞美设计必须与时俱进进行创新,这样才能让观众百看不厌,有一种别样的新鲜感,进而长久地屹立于艺术之林。本文从以下几个方面论述了创新对于舞美设计的作用。 Stage art is composed of many parts, the design of the stage is one of them. The stage design needs to achieve the perfect effect and must be innovated. It can be said that there is no stage design without the development of stage design. With the continuous development of the times, Wu Mei design also incorporates a lot of fresh blood. The community is constantly innovating. The design of the stage and the stage must innovate with the times, so as to keep the audience from indulging in it. There is a new kind of freshness that will stand for a long time in the forest of art. This article discusses the role of innovation in the design of dance and beauty from the following aspects.
本文比較集中地考釋了禪籍中的一些疑難詞語,這些疑難詞語大多是見於《俗語言研究》《禪籍方俗詞研究》中的“待質”評語。 This dissertation concentrates on some diffic
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論文對高麗本《龍龕手鏡》中存有的疑難注音釋義進行了研究,考證了35條疑難注音釋義。 The dissertation studies the difficult phonetic interpretations found in Gaolin
1984年12月15日~20日,惠阳地区水电处及水利学会在河源县联合召开山区河流整治现场调研会.省水利学会也应邀派人参加. On December 15, 1984 to December 20, Huiyang Hydrop