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在典型调查的基础上,推算出从四九年至八一年“三北”地区建设范围营造的农田防护林、水土保持林、防风固沙林、牧场防护林防护效益和直接效益的年价值为二十五亿元,年效益的价值为投资的百分之六十七。证明建设“三北”大型防护林体系具有良好的经济效果,它可以改善生态环境,增加农牧业产量,提高人民生活水平,投资方向是正确的。今后,应加快建设速度,提高建设质量。 On the basis of typical surveys, the annual value of farmland shelterbelts, soil and water conservation forests, windbreaks and sand-fixation forests, and pasture shelterbelts protected and directly benefited from the construction of the “Three Norths” region from 1949 to 1981 is estimated to be 25 The value of annual benefit is 67% of the investment. It proves that the construction of the “Three Norths” large-scale shelterbelt system has good economic results. It can improve the ecological environment, increase the output of agriculture and animal husbandry and raise the living standard of the people, and the investment direction is correct. In the future, we should speed up the pace of construction and improve the quality of construction.
日本武田公司开发的每周服用1次的70 mg双膦酸盐类药物阿仑膦酸钠(alendronate sodium)缓冲泡腾片Steovess(曾用名:EX101)于2011年年底在欧盟获得批准后,有望于2012年年底首
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随着我国国民经济的不断发展 ,公路在经济发展中的地位越来越显著 ,公路养护工作的重要性已日益凸现 ,特别是高等级公路的日常养护及路面修补工作更显重要。如何选择一种在实
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随着IC集成度的大幅度提高,管脚密度的增大,用来保证产品最终质量的板测试技术受到了严峻的挑战,在NEPCON’96北京研讨会上美国泰瑞达公司的技术人员指出:目前,板 With the