
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wonghost
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日本环境厅国立公害研究所在大幅度改进车载型激光雷达的同时,使用这种高性能新型激光雷达MarkⅡ,在2小时前预测降雪获得成功。新开发的降雪预测方法旨在用这种激光雷达决定开始降雪的时间。在山形县米泽市和东京都观察降雪云共计8次。结果表明,开始降雪前2小时云底下降,这一信息是由激光雷达获得的。 At the same time that the National Institute of Environmental Pollution Control Agency of the Japanese Environment Agency has significantly improved on-board laser radar, the use of this high-performance new laser radar, Mark II, was successful in predicting snowfall two hours earlier. The newly developed snow prediction method aims to use this laser radar to decide when to start snowfall. Observing snowfall clouds in Yonezawa City and Yamagata Prefecture in Yamagata Prefecture for a total of eight times. The results show that the cloud bottom declined 2 hours before snowfall, and this information was obtained by lidar.
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