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古人制笔,不仅讲究实用,也注重对笔帽、笔管的装饰。笔管是毛笔装饰的主要部位。《西京杂记》中记载着汉代天子所用的笔管则饰以错宝,毛则用秋兔之毫,并以杂宝为匣,厕以玉壁翠羽,皆值百金。汉唐以后,制笔工艺越来越精致,种类更加丰富,而笔的装饰亦益发多姿多采。据王世襄先生《竹刻》一书介绍,宋代郭若虚在《图画见闻志》中载唐德州刺史王倚家有竹笔一管,稍粗于常用笔,管两头各出半寸已来,中间刻有《从军行》一铺,人马毛发,亭台远水,无不精绝。每一事刻《从军行》诗两句,若“庭前琪树已堪攀,塞外征人殊未还”是也,似非人功。其画迹若粉描,向明方可辨之,云用鼠牙雕。乃 Ancients pen, not only pay attention to practical, but also pay attention to pen cap, pen tube decoration. The pen is the main part of the brush decoration. “Xijing Miscellanies” recorded in the Han Dynasty emperor pen is decorated with the wrong treasure, Mao then use the autumn rabbit of the mill, and miscellaneous treasure as a box, toilet Yu Jade Cui Yu, all worth a hundred gold. After the Han and Tang dynasties, pen-making process more and more sophisticated, more abundant types, and pen decoration is also beneficial and colorful. According to Mr. Wang Shixiang, “Bamboo Engraving,” a book introduced in the Song Dynasty Guo Ruoxu in the “Picture Seeing Wen Zhi” contained Tang Ci governor Wang Yi home bamboo pen a tube, slightly thick in the commonly used pen, tube half of each have come two inches, engraved in the middle “From the military” shop, people hair, pavilions far water, all without exception. Every moment, “from the military” poem two, if the “pre-qi tree has reached the climax, plug the extravagant special not” is also non-human power. If his paintings traces of pink, to the Ming Fang discernible, cloud with the mouse tooth carving. Yes
Based on the designed As_2Se_3 and As_2S_3 chalcogenide glass photonic crystal fiber(PCF) and the scalar nonlinear Schrdinger equation,the effects of pump pow
目的 :探讨O型血孕妇IgG抗-A(B)抗原效价与新生儿血型血清学检验结果的关系。方法 :收集2015年1月至2016年1月于我院产科住院常规产检夫妻ABO血型不合的O型血孕妇160例,检测
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例 1,女 ,31岁 ,因四肢关节伸侧黄色结节 1年多就诊。患者 1年前发现双侧膝关节伸侧起黄色丘疹 ,渐增大增多 ,无痛痒 ,后双肘关节伸侧也出现类似皮疹 ,询问病史 ,患者患II型糖
本文作者观察了低氧条件下照射小鼠胸部后心肌的病理改变 ,结果表明放疗前 2min吸入 10 5 %的低氧气体对小鼠心肌有一定的放射防护作用。一、材料和方法1 动物 :18~ 2 2g昆明种小
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