
来源 :中国社会科学评价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mipanglin
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中外学术的发展一再证明,学术争鸣是学术进步的助推器,没有学术争鸣就没有理论发展的活力,也不可能有观念的澄明与思想的进步。然而由于诸多主客观因素的综合作用与影响,中国当代文艺理论研究中的学术争鸣并未很好地开展起来。要想真正在当代文艺理论研究中将学术争鸣的助推机制建立起来,把学术争鸣健康有序、有声有色地开展起来,除去客观环境和条件方面的改进与改变之外,文论研究界一定要从学理上真正认识和解决文艺理论发展不能缺少学术争鸣的道理所在,并从现实历史语境层面上充分意识到学术争鸣之于当代文论建设的必然性与必要性。更为重要的是,作为一个学术共同体的参与者与共建者,学术争鸣还应该遵循一些基本的学术原则,这主要包括学术自由原则、平等竞争原则、批评质疑原则、学术共识原则四个内在相关的方面。只要很好地践行这些学术原则,中国的文艺理论研究便会大有希望,学术争鸣也会大有成效。 The development of Chinese and foreign scholars has repeatedly proved that academic contestation is the booster of academic progress. Without academic contention, there is no vitality for the development of theory, and there can be no clarification of concepts and progress in thinking. However, due to the combined effects of many subjective and objective factors, the academic debate in the study of contemporary Chinese literary theory has not been well developed. In order to really establish the boost mechanism of academic contention in the study of contemporary literature and art theory, to carry out the academic debate in a sound and orderly manner with sound and color, and to remove the improvements and changes in the objective environment and conditions, the literary theory research community must From the academic theory, we can truly understand and solve the truth that the development of literary theory can not be lack of academic contention, and fully realize the inevitability and necessity of academic contention in the construction of contemporary literary theory from the realistic historical context. More importantly, as a participant and co-founder of an academic community, academic contention should also follow some basic academic principles, which mainly include the four principles of academic freedom, equal competition, criticism and the principle of academic consensus Related aspects. So long as these academic principles are well implemented, the study of the theory of literary theory in China will have great promise and academic contention will also be fruitful.
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