The Book Scents (Excerpt)

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  【1】 The phrase “book scent” can be traced back to ancient times in China. To control the insect infestation, people used to place leaves of rue between pages. Once opening the book, the aroma of the herb would spread out, which was called “book scent”. This phrase was then used to indicate the lifestyle of reading.
  【2】 The scents of books origin in one’s soul and mind and are appreciated through reading. They could be the fickleness of human nature, the richness of moral sentiments, the inheritance of culture, the magnificence of natural scenery, etc. Each book tells a story tinged with unique feelings. The stories express various happinesses and sorrows and the feelings are about diverse expectations on life. Therefore, I value all books and always try to appreciate the stories as well as the sincere feelings.
  【3】 Traditionally, people held that “the study of books excels all pursuits”. Today, people believe that “reading brightens and enriches one’s life”. In the past, there were people who tried various methods to guarantee efficient reading, for example, tying their hair to the beam and jabbing their thighs with an awl to keep minds clear, or digging a hole in the wall to borrow some light from the neighbor. Today we also have book lovers who read in the lavatories or with the beam of flashlight late at night. These readers are driven by their thirst for knowledge and reverence for life. A life without reading may not become totally meaningless, but a life with reading is positively more colorful and exciting. What an elegant and pure pursuit the reading is in a person’s life journey!
  【4】 Receiving new books always delighted me when I was at school. The brand-new books, the fresh knowledge, and particularly the pleasant smell from the newly-printed pages were all so intriguing!
  【5】 The light fragrance of ink, like a mischievous elf, titillated my sense of smell and lured me to read further and further. Following this fragrance, I feel the spirits of the rivers and seas, find the traces of earth and moonlight, and sense the emotions at the time of parting and reunion. Immersing in reading I become peaceful, sensitive, and open-minded. Various sensations like depression, joyfulness, dissent, or fury all reach out to me. Reading at my desk, I have experienced the excitement of “waves and storms”in history as well as the beauty of flowers blooming and fading, which always make me forget the real world and even myself.
  【6】 Reading, a form of self-cultivation and also an enjoyment, brings us profound feelings, eternal motivation, tranquility in spirit, and comforts to mind. To get there, we should start from developing positive reading attitude and creating a reading friendly environment. We need more libraries, more reading spaces, and more convenient access to books. Only when people have easy reach to books and experience the pleasure of reading will they be exposed to the book scents and be scented.
有人将“That is real news to me.”译为“对我而言这可是真正的新聞。”这样译基本可以接受,但如果将“对我而言”改为“在我看来”或许更好(for me才是“对我而言”的意思)。此译的主要问题在于没能原原本本体现原文的口气。尽量传达出原文的口气是好译文的标准之一。我们说,英语词的语义面常常比其对应的汉语词要广,所以news并不等于汉语的“新闻”,在不同的上下文里应该有不同的译法。
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【1】舞台上的悲剧发展总是太快:主人公面对两难困境,做出抉择,继而产生可怕的后果。麦克白刚刚杀了国王邓肯,诅咒就应验了——醉酒的守门人把他家的城堡称作地狱,当晚还出现一些怪异的骚乱现象,比如骏马相食之类的。这出苏格兰大戏的情节发展得实在太快了,麦克白夫妇从速从急,刺杀君王要“快”,还感觉到“未来瞬息即至”,甚或是情愿“不顾来世”。三位女巫的预言一一成真,这出戏疾急收了尾,干净利落。  【2】但是,
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