Photofragment translational spectroscopy of ICl near 304 and 280 nm: Observation of an intense hot b

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The photodissociation dynamics of ICl has been studied near 304 and 280 nm on a simple miniature time of flight (mini-TOF) photofragment translational spectrometer with a short pulse of a weak acceleration field. An intense hot band effect was observed. Many small peaks were resolved in each photofragment translational spectrum (PTS). Based on simulations, the principal peaks were assigned not only to the different photodissociation channels (1) I + Cl, (2) I + Cl*, (3) I* + Cl, or (4) I* + Cl*, but also to the different chlorine isotopes (35Cl and Cl). Moreover, some extra peaks showed the existence of an intense hot 37 band effect from vibrationally excited ICl molecules, though only a few percent of ICl molecules remained in the vibrationally excited states in our supersonic molecular beam. Based on the spectra near 304 nm, the quantum yield Ф of each channel, the curve crossing, and the branching fraction σ from each transition state were determined. The photodissociation dynamics of ICL has been studied near 304 and 280 nm on a simple miniature time of flight (mini-TOF) photofragment translational spectrometer with a short pulse of a weak acceleration field. An intense hot band effect was observed. resolved in each photofragment translational spectrum (PTS). Based on simulations, the principal peaks were assigned not only to the different photodissociation channels (1) I + Cl, (2) I + Cl * (4) I * + Cl *, but also to the different chlorine isotopes (35Cl and Cl). Moreover, some extra peaks showed the existence of an intense hot 37 band effect from vibrationally excited ICl molecules, though only a few percent of ICl molecules remained in the vibrationally excited states in our supersonic molecular beam. Based on the spectra near 304 nm, the quantum yield Ф of each channel, the curve crossing, and the branching fraction σ were determined from each transition state.
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本刊讯根据《科学引文索引》统计了1985—1989年中国作者在国际上发表的论文在1990年的被引用状况,单篇论文被引次数最多的前4名是: According to “Science Citation Inde
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