
来源 :新疆有色金属 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxhdbd
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硫酸法生产碳酸锂,纯碱是重要的原料,同时产出大量的付产品-无水硫酸钠(元明粉)。年产3000吨碳酸锂的工厂,每年消耗97%的纯碱5550吨,同时产无水硫酸钠(元明粉)6000吨。纯碱目前国内市场短缺,供应紧张,而且价格不断上浮。据有色金属报报导,1986年底市场价格为720元/吨,而且在继续上浮。目前,新疆锂盐厂所耗纯碱的供应又比较紧张。同时所产的无水硫酸钠(元明粉),由于白度和pH值不符合质量标准,加之市场饱和,价格已由1985年的230多元/吨,降到150元/吨,而且难以销售。目前锂盐厂库存积压5000多吨,占 Sulfuric acid production of lithium carbonate, soda ash is an important raw material, while producing a large number of paid products - anhydrous sodium sulfate (sodium sulfate). An annual output of 3,000 tons of lithium carbonate plant, annual consumption of 97% of soda ash 5550 tons, while producing anhydrous sodium sulfate (Yuan Mingfen) 6,000 tons. Soda ash shortage of the current domestic market, tight supply, and prices continue to rise. According to the non-ferrous metals newspaper, at the end of 1986, the market price was 720 yuan / ton, and it continued to go up. At present, the supply of soda ash consumed by lithium salt plant in Xinjiang is relatively tight. At the same time the production of anhydrous sodium sulfate (sodium sulphate), due to whiteness and pH do not meet the quality standards, combined with the market saturation, the price has dropped from more than 230 yuan / ton in 1985 to 150 yuan / tonne, and difficult to sell . Lithium salt plant inventory backlog over 5,000 tons, accounting for
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