Common-anode LED on a Si substrate for beyond 15 Gbit/s underwater visible light communication

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyuwei9999
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Visible light communication based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has become a promising candidate by providing high data rates, low latency, and secure communication for underwater environments. In this paper, a self-designed common-anode GaN-based five-primary-color LED (RGBYC LED) on a Si substrate is proposed and fabricated. The design of a common anode is used to mitigate the saturation effect for a low-frequency component. Additionally, compared with commercially available LEDs that suffer from nonlinearity distortion, applying the designed LED can provide much better and broader linearity according to the measurement results. Therefore, the modulation depth and system performance can be further improved to implement a high-speed underwater visible light communication (UVLC) system. There is no nonlinearity compensation algorithm applied due to the good linearity of the proposed LED; thus, the offline digital signal processing is simplified. We experimentally demonstrate 14.81 Gbit/s 64 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)-discrete multitone (DMT) and 15.17 Gbit/s bit-loading-DMT transmissions through a 1.2-m-long underwater channel based on the proposed RGBYC LED with an intrasymbol frequency-domain averaging channel estimation and zero-forcing equalization. As far as we know, this is the highest data rate for an LED-based UVLC system.
本文报导用辐射功率为20瓦的连续CO2激光泵浦时,获得亚毫米波CH3OH分 子激光器在150~970微米波段的48条新振荡谱线,10条CH3NH2分子振荡新谱线,还获得CH3NHD和CH3NH2分子的9条振荡谱线。
In landmark-based image registration, estimating the landmark correspondence plays an important role. In this letter, a novel landmark correspondence estimation technique using mean shift algorithm is proposed. Image corner points are detected as landmark
采用微波水热法一步合成了核壳结构的CdSe/CdS纳米晶, 讨论了巯基丙酸中S2-的释放过程对纳米晶生长的影响。XRD和Raman光谱结果表明, 140 ℃合成温度下获得了CdSe/CdS核壳结构的纳米晶。FTIR光谱结果表明, 巯基丙酸随时间的分解有助于CdS壳层的形成。PL光谱呈现出CdSe纳米晶的带间发射和缺陷发射, 随着核壳结构的形成, CdSe纳米晶的表面缺陷被抑制, 相关的荧光发射减弱。