世界变小 疾病增多

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当人类前所未有地被更紧密联系在一起时,传染病已成为全人类共同面对的问题,发达国家不能袖手旁观。农业发展的明显结果之一,即饮食集中在主要的农作物上,这既使越来越多的人能够生存,又对人类健康造成重大影响。同样的,近代化和工业革命,既为人口爆炸创造了条件,也产生了普遍的不健康和特有的新疾病。工业化带来随机选择近代以来,矽肺病使许多矿工折寿;褐肺病成为棉纺工人的祸根;白肺病使石棉加工的人感染;暴露于铅 When human beings are more closely linked than ever before, infectious diseases have become a common problem facing all mankind, and the developed countries can not stand idly by. One of the obvious results of agricultural development, namely, the fact that food is concentrated on the main crops, not only makes more and more people survive but also has a significant impact on human health. In the same vein, the modernization and the industrial revolution have both created the conditions for a population explosion and created widespread unhealthy and unique new diseases. Indiscriminate industrialization has led to the demise of many miners in the modern history of silicosis; brown lung disease has become the curse of cotton-spinning workers; white-lung disease has infected asbestos-infected people; exposure to lead
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本刊讯 第三届“海峡儿童阅读论坛”暨“林良作品研讨会”于9月17-19日在北京召开。这是一次大型的综合性活动,活动丰富,层次分明,以福建厦门籍作家、台湾著名儿童文学作家林良先生的作品为中心,感性品悟、作品细读与学术研讨相结合,全方位展示、评价林良作品的经典性。  活动由福建少年儿童出版社、(台湾)海峡两岸儿童文学研究会与北师大基础教育合作办学部儿童阅读研究中心共同主办,由北师大亚太实验学校承办。以