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本文对中国沿海五省市即沪、浙、鲁、闽、粤信息化的基本态势进行了概括 ,并着重从对江苏信息化可能具有借鉴作用的角度 ,分析了五省市信息化的主要亮点。上海正瞄准发达国家 ,大幅提升城市信息化的水平 ;浙江正加快创建“天堂硅谷” ,力图形成全国重要的软件基地 ;山东赶超有力 ,信息产业变被动为主动 ,并开始稳步构筑“网上山东” ;福建正打造“数字福建” ,以此总揽信息化建设的全局 ;广东正全面推进信息化 ,实施“领跑”全国的大战略。五省市的信息化态势对江苏具有重要的启示。围绕江苏如何积极应对竞争态势、精心创造自己的发展空间的问题 ,本文提出的对策思路是 :筹划江苏信息化的整体性“产品” ,不失时机地建设“网络江苏” ;把握信息产业分工格局 ,有重点地发展应用软件产业 ;大力发展行业电子商务 ,迎接加入WTO后的严峻挑战 ;积极建设“网络城市” ,用信息化提高城市化的水准 ;着力推广“电子政府” ,用政府信息化带动企业信息化、社会信息化 ;切实做好信息化基础工作 ,及早组建、推出一个“江苏级”的大型标志性、综合性网站 This article summarizes the basic situation of informatization in five provinces and municipalities in China, namely, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian and Guangdong, and analyzes the main highlights of informatization in Jiangsu and Jiangsu from the point of view of possible reference to Jiangsu informatization . Shanghai is targeting developed countries and substantially boosting the urban informatization level. Zhejiang is speeding up the creation of “Paradise Silicon Valley” and trying hard to form an important software base in the country. Shandong has made great efforts to catch up with the surging power and the information industry has become passive. “Fujian is building” Digital Fujian “to take overall control of the overall situation of information construction. Guangdong is promoting information technology in an all-round way and implementing the grand strategy of” leading the country. “ The situation of informationization in five provinces and municipalities has an important inspiration to Jiangsu Province. Around the Jiangsu how to actively respond to the competitive situation, carefully create their own space for development, the countermeasures proposed in this paper is: planning information technology in Jiangsu overall ”products“, seize the opportunity to build ”network Jiangsu“; grasp the information industry division of labor, there are Focus on the development of application software industry; vigorously develop the industry e-commerce to meet the harsh challenges after accession to the WTO; actively building ”network city“, with information technology to improve the standard of urbanization; efforts to promote ”e-government“ and government-led enterprises Informatization and social informatization; earnestly do the basic work of informationization, set up early and launch a large-scale iconic and comprehensive website of ”Jiangsu-class"
后现代主义作为一种时尚效应 ,对大众 ,尤其是对年轻人产生了强烈的影响。它使新的青年一代的生活观深深打上了“反规范、反传统”的印记。新生一代们崇尚新的后现代生活方式
新疆是清朝政府发遣“废员”的重要地区之一。“废员”中的不少人在新疆“效力赎罪”期间 ,作了许多有益于边防建设、发展生产和繁荣文化的事。但是 ,由于他们特殊的身份和地
在中国西部大开发中 ,对历代学者关于西部开发的思想 ,对历代中央政府经略边疆、开发西部的实践 ,都应给予必要的关注和研究总结。基于此 ,我们编写了这部《中国西部开发人物