Refnement of the supercontinent cycle with Hf, Nd and Sr isotopes

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The combined use of Hf, Nd and Sr isotopes is more useful in understanding the supercontinent cycle than the use of only Hf isotopic data from detrital zircons. Sr and Nd seawater isotopes, although not as precise as εNdand εHfdistributions, also record input from ocean ridge systems. Unlike detrital zircons where sources cannot be precisely located because of crustal recycling, both the location and tectonic setting often can be constrained for whole-rock Nd isotopic data. Furthermore, primary zircon sources may not reside on the same continent as derivative detrital zircons due to supercontinent breakup and assembly. Common to all of the isotopic studies are geographic sampling biases refecting outcrop distributions, river system sampling, or geologists, and these may be responsible for most of the decorrelation observed between isotopic systems. Distributions between 3.5 and 2 Ga based on εHfmedian values of four detrital zircon databases as well as our compiled εNddatabase are noisy but uniformly distributed in time, whereas data between 2 and 1 Ga data are more tightly clustered with smaller variations. Grouped age peaks suggest that both isotopic systems are sampling similar types of orogens. Only after 1 Ga and before 3.5 Ga do we see wide variations and signifcant disagreement between databases, which may partially refect variations in both the number of sample locations and the number of samples per location. External and internal orogens show similar patterns in εNdand εHfwith age suggesting that both juvenile and reworked crustal components are produced in both types of orogens with similar proportions. However, both types of orogens clearly produce more juvenile isotopic signatures in retreating mode than in advancing mode. Many secular changes in εHfand εNddistributions correlate with the supercontinent cycle. Although supercontinent breakup is correlated with short-lived decreasing εHfand εNd( 100 Myr) for most supercontinents, there is no isotopic evidence for the breakup of the Paleoproterozoic supercontinent Nuna. Assembly of supercontinents by extroversion is recorded by decreasing εNdin granitoids and metasediments and decreasing εHfin zircons, attesting to the role of crustal reworking in external orogens in advancing mode. As expected, seawater Sr isotopes increase and seawater Nd isotopes decrease during supercontinent assembly by extroversion. Pangea is the only supercontinent that has a clear isotopic record of introversion assembly, during which median εNdand εHfrise rapidly for 100 Myr. Although expected to increase, radiogenic seawater Sr decreases(and seawater Nd increases) during assembly of Pangea, a feature that may be caused by juvenile input into the oceans from new ocean ridges and external orogens in retreating mode. The fact that a probable onset of plate tectonics around 3 Ga is not recorded in isotopic distributions may be due the existence of widespread felsic crust formed prior to the onset of plate tectonics in a stagnant lid tectonic regime, as supported by Nd and Hf model ages. The combined use of Hf, Nd and Sr isotopes is more useful in understanding the supercontinent cycle than the use of only Hf isotopic data from detrital zircons. Although Sr and Nd seawater isotopes, although not as precise as εNdand εHfdistributions, also record input from ocean ridge systems. Unlike detrital zircons where sources can not be precisely located because of crustal recycling, both the location and tectonic setting often can be constrained for whole-rock Nd isotopic data. Furthermore, primary zircon sources may not reside on the same continent as derivative detrital zircons due to supercontinent breakup and assembly. Common to all of the isotopic studies are geographic sampling biases refecting outcrop distributions, river system sampling, or geologists, and these may be responsible for most of the decorrelation seen between isotopic systems. Distributions between 3.5 and 2 Ga based on εHfmedian values ​​of four detrital zircon databases as well as our compiled εNddatabase are noisy but uniformly distributed in time, compared between 2 and 1 Ga data are more tightly clustered with smaller variations. Grouped age peaks suggest that both isotopic systems are sampling similar types of orogens. Only after 1 Ga and before 3.5 Ga do we see wide variations and signifcant disagreement between databases, which may partially refect variations in both the number of sample locations and the number of samples per location. External and internal orogens show similar patterns in εNdand εHfwith age suggesting that both juvenile and reworked crustal components are produced both Types of orogens with similar proportions. However, both types of orogens clearly produce more juvenile isotopic signatures in retreating mode than in advancing mode. Many superficial changes in εHfand εNddistributions correlate with the supercontinent cycle. Although supercontinent breakup is correlated with short-lived decreasing εHfand εNd (100 Myr) for most supercontinents, there is no is otopic evidence for the breakup of the Paleoproterozoic supercontinent Nuna. Assembly of supercontinents by extroversion is recorded by decreasing εNdin granitoids and metasediments and decreasing εHfin zircons, attesting to the role of crustal reworking in external orogens in advancing mode. As expected, seawater Sr isotopes increase and seawater Nd isotopes decrease during supercontinent assembly by extroversion. Pangea is the only supercontinent that has a clear isotopic record of introversion assembly, during which median εNdand εHrise substantially for 100 Myr. Although expected to increase, radiogenic seawater Sr decreases (and seawater Nd increases) during assembly of Pangea, a feature that may be caused by juvenile input into the oceans from new ocean ridges and external orogens in retreating mode. The fact that a probable onset of plate tectonics around 3 Ga is not recorded in isotopic distributions may be due the existence of widespread felsic crust formed prior to the onset of plate tec tonics in a stagnant lid tectonic regime, as supported by Nd and Hf model ages.
导演:杜琪峰  主演:古天乐 高圆圆 郑秀文 王宝强  地区:港台  类型:剧情,爱情  发型:华天下电影发行有限公司  上映:2012-2    剧情简介  红遍华语娱乐圈二十年的天王巨星迈克在电影大奖典礼上,三度赢得了最佳男主角的殊荣。迈克致完辞拿出钻戒,当着众人的面向国内知名女星圆圆求婚,全场即时哄动……摄影机前错愕且手足无措的圆圆在一众嘉宾的起哄、呼喊声中,点头答应。   大婚当日,教堂内
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