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用洗衣粉配成1000倍溶液喷雾施用,可以防治大部分花卉的虫害,尤其是防治菊花、珊瑚、五色椒上的黑翅蚜;凤仙花、鸡冠花、大丽菊上的青翅蚜等,有显著的效果。其效果相当于2000倍乐果溶液,而且无药害。在瓜叶菊、百日红等花卉的叶面上喷洒一次1000倍洗衣粉溶液,可保持半个月左右不受红蜘蛛的危害;对多年生草本、木本花卉上的吹棉介壳虫每隔3-4天喷一次,连续2-3次,也有较好的防治效果。有的花卉的块根(如大丽菊、芍药)、鳞茎(如百合、石蒜)及其它的肉质根系的花卉有时会受到线虫的危害。 With 1000 times the detergent powder solution spray application, you can control most of the pests of flowers, especially against chrysanthemum, coral, colored pepper on the black-winged aphid; Impatiens, celosia, the green winged aphid on the daisy chrysanthemum , Have a significant effect. Its effect is equivalent to 2000 times dimethoate solution, and no harm. Spray on the leaves of flowers such as cineraria, hundred days of red and so on a 1000 times detergent solution, can stay half a month or so from the harm of spider mites; on perennial herbs, woody flowers on cotton insects every 3 -4 sprayed once, 2-3 times in a row, there is a better control effect. Some flower roots (such as the Chinese cabbage, peony), bulbs (such as lily, stone garlic) and other fleshy root flowers are sometimes nematode hazards.
二十八星瓢虫(Epilachna SparsaOrientalis Dieke)属鞘翅目瓢虫科,俗名茄虱。该虫以成、幼虫危害马铃薯、茄子、大豆、豇豆等作物叶的下表皮、叶肉,被害叶残剩表皮上出现许多
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水(禾刀)纹枯病[Pellicularia sasakii(Shirai)Wei(Hypochnus sasakii Sh-(?)rari)]是信阳地区水(禾刀)上的一种重要病害,随着水(禾刀)施肥量的提高,有趋向严重之势。一、发
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
沙柳是我区的主要防风固沙树种和柳编原料。我区沙柳栽培面积很大,总面积达20多万亩。近几年来,部分地区发生了瘿螨病害,影响了固沙防风效益和柳编生产。 1981年,我们首次在
大豆红蜘蛛,又名棉叶螨、朱砂叶螨,分布于各大豆产区,害虫成群聚集在豆叶的背面,吸取汁液。被害植株的叶片表面初期呈现白色小点,逐渐变红,严重时叶片干枯脱落。 Soybean r