
来源 :海洋环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sherpa
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1984年8月13日秦皇岛输油管线断裂溢油,造成严呕的海洋污染。我们在北戴河外交部浴场周围铺设围油栏,防止溢油侵袭,污染浴场,确保外国专家和朋友游泳、划船及日光浴不受影响。现将铺设围油栏情况及效果介绍如下。一、秦皇岛输油管线断裂溢油事故 1984年8月上旬秦皇岛地区连降暴雨,河水猛涨。8月13日上午8时零5分,穿越燕塞湖南面的石河的输管线被洪水冲断,大量原油溢入石河水中,并沿河南下进入渤海。漂油流到石河入海口处,沿海岸流动并滞留在老龙头和山海关船厂一带(图1)。日估漂油带宽约2-1米,长约6华里,厚约2厘米(照片1)漂油被海浪打上岸,污染了清洁的海滩,其宽度可达5-8米(照片2)。 August 13, 1984 Qinhuangdao pipeline oil spill fracture, causing disgusting marine pollution. We installed a boomerang around the baths of the Beidaihe Foreign Ministry to prevent oil spills, pollute the bathing grounds, ensure that foreign experts and friends can swim, boating and sunbathing unaffected. Boom now laying the situation and the effect described below. First, the Qinhuangdao oil pipeline fault oil spill 1984 August early Qinhuangdao heavy rains, the river soared. At 08:05 on August 13, the transmission line crossing the Shihe River south of Yansai Lake was flood washed off. A large amount of crude oil overflowed into the Shihe River and entered the Bohai Sea along the south of the river. Drift oil flow Shihe estuary, along the coast flow and stay in the old leading and Shanhaiguan Shipyard area (Figure 1). Estimated to be about 2-1 meters wide and about 6 miles long, it is about 2 centimeters thick (photo 1). The oil drifts ashore the waves and pollute the clean beaches with a width of 5-8 meters (Photo 2).
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Studies made in the last twenty years and more have shown that alkaline metasomatism (AM) is far more exstensive and important in metallogenesis and rock-formi
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