Effects of an environmental friendly slow-releasing woodchip fertilizer on cabbage production

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jewellerymay
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Wood from three tree species was used for making slow-releasing woodchip fertilizer. Fertilizer made from Populus tomen-tiglandulosa retained the highest amounts of N (29.04%), P2O5 (26.03%) and K2O (16.93%). On the other hand, woodchip fertilizer made from Pinus koraiensis retained the lowest amounts of N (26.22%), P2O5 (21.80%) and K2O (14.49%). A field experiment was performed in a 50 m2 experimental plot at Gangwon Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Chuncheon, Korea from August to November 1999. The effects of a general fertilizer along with compost and slow releasing woodchip fertilizer without compost on the cabbage production were observed. Cabbage production parameters, such as top height, head weight, head height, head width, number of outer and inner leaves, leaf width and head length, increased in the field where Larix kaempferi woodchip fertilizer was added as a basal dose. The result showed that the woodchip fertilizer made from Pinus koraiensis had faster releasing properties compared to other woodchip fertilizers. Without adding any compost in the woodchip fertilized field, woodchip fertilizer showed a superior outcome over a general chemical fertilizer. Although the amount of woodchip fertilizer was larger compared to that of a chemical fertilizer, it increased cabbage production. Wood from three tree species was used for making slow-releasing woodchip fertilizer. Fertilizer made from Populus tomen-tiglandulosa retained the highest amounts of N (29.04%), P2O5 (26.03%) and K2O (16.93%). On the other hand, woodchip fertilizer made from Pinus koraiensis retained the lowest amounts of N (26.22%), P2O5 (21.80%) and K2O (14.49%). A field experiment was performed in a 50 m2 experimental plot at Gangwon Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Chuncheon, Korea from August to November 1999. The effects of a general fertilizer along with compost and slow releasing woodchip fertilizer without compost on the cabbage production were observed. Cabbage production parameters, such as top height, head weight, head height, head width, number of outer and inner leaves, leaf width and head length, increased in the field where Larix kaempferi woodchip fertilizer was added as a basal dose. The result showed that the woodchip fertilizer made from Pinus koraiensis had faster relea Without the addition of any compost in the woodchip fertilized field, woodchip fertilizer was larger than that of a chemical fertilizer, it increased cabbage production .
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