
来源 :中国计划免疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwangruir
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全国1996年急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例监测系统共报告AFP病例4732例,较1995年4801例减少89%;全国共有1836个县(区、市、旗,下同)报告了AFP病例,占全国县数的645%;全年开展含零病例报告的县超过全国县数的90%。1996年临床确诊脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)201例,分布于170个县;仅云南省发现3例输入性野病毒病例。1996年AFP病例监测系统敏感性、及时性全面提高:15岁以下儿童AFP病例报告发病率为136/10万,非脊灰AFP病例报告发病率为131/10万;48小时内调查率为99%;AFP病例双份粪便标本采集及时率为83%,合格粪便标本采集率为77%。非AFP病例的鉴别和AFP病例报告的滞后、随访表的及时报送仍有待提高。 A total of 4732 AFP cases were reported in the nationwide AFP flaccid monitoring system in 1996, a decrease of 89% compared with 4801 cases in 1995. A total of 1836 counties (districts, cities, and prefectures) reported AFP cases Accounting for 64.5% of the total number of counties in the country. The number of counties reporting zero cases in the whole year exceeded 90% of the total number of counties in the country. In 1996, 201 cases of poliomyelitis (poliomyelitis) were clinically diagnosed and distributed in 170 counties. Only 3 cases of wild-type virus were found in Yunnan Province. The sensitivity and timeliness of AFP case surveillance system in 1996 were all improved: the incidence of AFP cases in children younger than 15 years old was 136 / 100,000, and the incidence of non-polio AFP cases was 131 / 100,000; in 48 hours The surveyed rate was 99%; in the case of AFP, the double-stool specimen collection rate was 83% and the qualified stool specimen collection rate was 77%. Non-AFP case identification and AFP case report lag, timely reporting of follow-up forms still need to be improved.
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