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   When musician and naturalist Bernie Krause drops his microphones into the pristine coral reef waters of Fiji, he picks up a raucous mix of sighs, beats, glissandos, cries, groans, grunts, hits and clicks.
   The water pulsates with the sound of creatures vying for acoustic bandwidth. He hears crustaceans, parrot fish, anemones, wrasses, sharks, shrimps, puffers and surgeonfish. Some gnash their teeth, others use their bladders or tails to make sound. Sea anemones grunt and belch. Every creature on the reef makes its own sound.
   But half a mile away, where the same reef is badly damaged, he can only pick up the sound of waves and a few snapping shrimp. It is, he says, the desolate sound of extinction.
   Krause has spent 40 years recording over 15,000 species, collecting 4,500 hours of sound from many of the world’s pristine habitats.
   But such is the rate of species extinction and the deterioration of these pristine habitats that he estimates half his recordings are now archives, impossible to repeat because the habitats no longer exist or they have been so compromised by human noise. His tapes are possibly the only record of the original diversity of life in these places.
  “A great silence is spreading over the natural world even as the sound of man is becoming deafening,” he writes in a new book, The Great Animal Orchestra. “Little by little the vast orchestra of life, the chorus of the natural world, is in the process of being quieted. There has been a massive decrease in the density and diversity of key vocal creatures, both large and small. The sense of desolation extends beyond mere silence.”
   Hawaii, he says, is the extinction capital of the world.“In a couple of centuries since the islands were populated by Europeans, half the 140 bird species have disappeared. In Madagascar, 15 species of lemur, an elephant bird, a pygmy hippo and an estimated half of all the animals have gone extinct.”
  Even partially disturbed habitats lose much of their life for many years, says Krause. Recordings of a meadow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains east of San Francisco before the surrounding forest was selectively logged in the 1980s, sounds very different to when Krause returned a year later.
   “The overall richness of sound was gone, as was the thriving density and diversity of birds. The only prominent sounds were the stream and the hammering of a Williamson’s sapsucker. Over the past 20 years I have returned a dozen times to the same spot at the same time of year, but the bio-acoustic vitality I had captured before logging has not yet returned.”
有人说,谎言重复一千次,便成为真实。这里有两种可能。第一种可能是,说谎者成功地让别人把虚假错误地当成了真实;第二种可能是,说谎者开始知道自己说的不是真话,甚至还会内疚,但久而久之,便认为自己并没有说谎——他成功地欺骗了自己。  如果说谎者自己不认为是在说谎,那么他是否就在说真话呢?如果他认为自己是在说真话,那么,他是否就可以认为自己是一个诚实的人呢?  要回答这样的问题,需要知道什么是诚实,什么是
2018备考热题  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  人是群居的动物,人群密集处总显得热闹而繁华,但哲人们却总在说独居有无止境的好处。  你对此是怎么看的?请写一篇文章,谈谈你的思考。  写作指导  这则材料是关系型的话题,讲述的是“群居”和“独居”的关系。侧重在转折后的一句“哲人们却总在说独居有无止境的好处”。所以材料的立意可以有三:第一个立意是独居带来的好处,带来的精神成长。在繁华盛世,唯有独
阿珍终究还是住进了医院,因为两小时前的一场“小碰撞”。  两小时前,阿珍在十字路口被右转的轿车撞伤了腿,司机执意送她去医院。她只摆摆手:“这点小伤,不碍事呀,我们以前这种小磕小绊自己涂点药水就好了。”  阿珍是我的外婆,但她执意让我喊她阿珍,“我哪有那么老!”是的,阿珍一点都不老,幼时的我随她住在老城区的屋子里,她爱美,用豆蔻将指尖染成橘红,又将头发扎成麻花辫,在末梢缀个蝴蝶结。“羞羞羞,阿珍比小
Ah, these jasmines, these white jasmines!   I seem to remember the first day when I filled my hands with these jasmines, these white jasmines.   I have loved the sunlight, the sky and the green eart
本应生活在深水区,可是,为了能看一看阳光,那条鱼游到了浅水区。它付出了生命,却得到了生命的满足,就像小小的飞蛾,为了追求光和热,即便粉身碎骨也要奋力拼搏。  人生亦是如此,每个人心中都有一盏烛光,并拼搏着去接近它,触碰它,实现生命的意义。史铁生说:“死是一件不必求成的事,死是一个必然会降临的节目,生命会有终结,永恒的是人的精神,死是一瞬间的事,瞬间过后,永恒的便是人生的价值。”梵高,画坛上的怪杰,
车道沟十号院中一座树木掩映的小楼,就是中国兵器工业计算机应用技术研究所所在地。  30年前的9月20日,中国第一封电子邮件从这里发出——“Across the Great Wall ,we can reach every corner in the world.”(“翻过长城,我们就能到世界任何地方”)。这是西方世界第一次通过互联网听到中国的声音。  “翻过长城”,既是中国走向世界的前提,但又何尝
刘半农先生说,方言是一个“地域的神味”。在快速推进的城市化过程中,如何在坚持推广使用普通话的基础上,保护好方言这一文化多样性的重要载体,保护好寄托乡愁的乡音,留住一个地方的“神味”,是一个非常紧迫的课题。  《北京市语言生活状况报告》近日发布,这是我国第一部地方语言状况的调查报告。报告显示,北京市中学生对北京话认知情况日渐式微。在城市化进程中,如何在坚持推广使用普通话的同时,保护好地方方言,是一个
Harry was given two apples, a small one and a large one, by his mum. “Share them with your sister,” she said.  “So Harry gave the small one to his little sister and started tucking into the large one.
何刚的“义无反顾”和故宫的“有情有义”,展现了一幅文物捐赠和保护的美丽图景  32年前,淳朴的河南农民何刚,拒绝了文物贩子送上门来的一蛇皮袋现金,风尘仆仆地从家乡走进紫禁城的大门,将在自家院子中挖到的19件文物悉数捐赠给故宫博物院。这19件元代银器,填补了故宫博物院元代银器方面藏品的空白,意义重大。完成捐赠之后,何刚的名字被镌刻在故宫博物院专门为捐献者设立的“景仁榜”上,木底金字。故宫还给了他80
2015年高考作文有显著的命题特点。材料作文确实很开放,但在开放中有没有“潜在”的限制?不同的试题类型有没有不同的抢分之道?同一试题类型有没有“出奇”的出彩“捷径”……答案当然是——“有”!  然而事实却是:在文体的“潜在”限制上,以选择记叙文为最佳文体的考生偏偏写成议论文;在对立意等级的“潜在”划分上,以写出思辨味儿为一类文立意的考生偏偏说理肤浅;在对内容的“潜在”限制上,以彰显文化底蕴为出彩之