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2002年12月22日,西安老战士大学书画院主办“郭立德国画艺术研讨会”。这天,郭老格外精神,虽拄着拐杖,但步履坚毅,看不出已82岁高龄。校长张爱民和书画院研究员50余人参加了研讨会。会场的墙壁上悬挂着郭老近几年来创作的30多幅山水画和实地写生稿50多件。同志们被这一幅幅壮丽画卷和栩栩如生的写生稿深深吸引。郭老,1921年生于河北威县,1938年参加革命,建国后曾在解放军总政治部任职,1980年由原西北电讯工程学院调至西安音乐学院任党委副书记。1983年离休后研习国画,现为兰州军区西安老战士大学书画院研究员。他特别爱画一些反映抗日战争时 December 22, 2002, Xi’an Old Warrior University Painting and Calligraphy Institute sponsored “Guo Li German painting art seminar ”. On this day, Guo Lao extravagant spirit, though with crutches, but walking steadfastly, can not see the 82-year-old. More than 50 researchers, including Zhang Aimin and the Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, attended the seminar. There are more than 30 landscape paintings and more than 50 pieces written by Guo Lao in recent years. Comrades are deeply attracted by this magnificent picture and lifelike sketch. Guo Lao was born in Wei County, Hebei Province in 1921. He joined the revolution in 1938, and served in the PLA General Political Department after the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. In 1980, he was transferred to the Xi’an Conservatory of Music by the former Northwest Telecommunications Engineering Institute as deputy party secretary. After studying Chinese painting in 1983, he is now a researcher of the painting and calligraphy academy of Xi’an Old Warrior University in Lanzhou Military Region. He particularly likes to draw some pictures of the war of resistance against japan
反张拉预压是根据工程自身特点,充分利用工地自有机具,进行悬臂施工预压的一种创新方法,文章以黄沙港特大桥主桥为例介绍反张拉预压的具体应用。 Anti-tensioning pre-tensi
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一只非洲雄狮,它的头很重,前肢的力量支撑着前半身,而它中间的大梁就只承受水平的重力,这样整个梁就很轻松地带动着整个身体,自如地向前奔跑、捕猎。  人是直立行走的,整个脊柱要受到向下的垂直重力,每节脊椎中间都有起缓冲作用的椎间盘,因为受力不均等原因,每个人都会有椎间盘突出的可能,惟有四足支撑体重的动物椎间盘不易突出,主要原因就是人是直立的。站着的情况受力是很大的,那么跑呢、跳呢,更何况是从高处往下跳