,A scheme for Sagnac-effect quantum enhancement with Fock state light input

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingsun555
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Sagnac effect enhancement can improve optical gyro precision.For a certain input intensity,we suggest that the other input port of beam splitter (BS) should be fed with some quantum light to break through shot noise limit (SNL) to improve Sagnac effect without increasing radiation-pressure noise (NRP).We design a Sagnac effect quantum enhancement criterion (SQEC) to judge whether some quantum light can enhance Sagnac effect and present a Sagnac effect enhancement scheme that utilizing Fock state light and parity measurement technique to extract the output phase.The results of the theoretical analysis show that the maximum sensitivity can be reached at θ =0,and the phase precision can break through SNL and even achieve Heisenberg limit (HL).When the Fock state average photon number n is far less than coherent state,the minimum measurable angular rate is improved with √2n+1 times,which can deduce shot noise and increase NRP little.
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远远地,我就瞥见了那又高又陡的漂流通道,听见了正在体验漂流的游客发出的接二连三的尖叫声,我的心不由得一紧,脑海中浮现出一个小皮划艇由巅峰跌落至谷底的画面,顿时吓得双腿发软。于是,我慢吞吞地跟在爸妈后面。   明明离漂流点还有那么远,怎么这么快就到了呢?眼前排队的游客脸上显示出紧张又兴奋的表情,而我的心里却直打鼓。很快就到我们了,我满脸不情愿地穿上宽大的雨衣,跟在爸爸的身后。工作人员催促我们赶快上皮