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为保护森林资源,控制滥砍盗伐,加强木材流通领域的管理,我区从50年代起,就在林区和一些产材区的交通要道上设立木材检查站。到目前,全区的木检站已有268 In order to protect the forest resources, control the deforestation and strengthen the management in the field of timber circulation, since the 1950s, our district set up the wood checkpoints on the traffic routes in the forest areas and some production areas. Up to now, there are 268 wooden inspection stations in the region
I went to B-School about 10 years ago.I remember the good times,the parties,the camaraderie1.I also remember the long hours in the library,working on team proje
7月27日下午5时左右,山西省定襄县的杨某和妻子驾驶三轮农用车到原平市南阳店准备拉蒜卖。路经火车道时,杨某明知火 At about 5 pm on July 27, Yang Mou and his wife dri
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
莫尔道嘎林业局贮木场积极推行现代化管理方法,用科学手段提高了企业经济效益,1989年实现利润979万余元. 这个场采用线性规划技术对林木资源、木材标准、木材价格、用户需要
第 1~ 4期 (总第 78~ 81期 )认真贯彻党的十六大精神为推动交通事业跨越式发展而奋斗——内蒙古交通厅厅长郝继业在全区交通局长会议上的讲话 (摘要 ) (1- )……………………