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2015年8月12日,天津瑞海公司危险品仓库发生特别重大火灾爆炸事故,造成大量人员伤亡。由于很多遇难者的遗体或被炸或被烧,如何尽快从这些体貌特征破坏严重的遇难者遗体中鉴别出身份,牵动着广大遇难者家属的心。为此,公安部第一研究所派出专业技术人员紧急奔赴事故现场,采用DNA检验的方式进行遇难者身份识别,经过大量工作,目前所有遇难者身份已经全部得到确认。天津爆炸事故身源鉴定是公安部第一研究所法医DNA检测装备的典型应用之一。近年来,公安部一所根据实战需要和技术发展,对GA118法医DNA检测平台进行了技术升级,同时 On August 12, 2015, a particularly serious fire and explosion accident occurred in the warehouse of dangerous goods of Tianjin Ruihai Company, causing a large number of casualties. As a result of the remains of many victims or being blown or burned, as soon as possible from these physical characteristics to destroy the remains of the victims of the identified identity, affects the hearts of the families of the victims. To this end, the first Institute of Ministry of Public Security sent professional and technical personnel went to the scene of an emergency, the use of DNA test for identification of the victims, after a lot of work, all the current identity of the victims have all been confirmed. Identification of the origin of explosion in Tianjin is one of the typical applications of forensic DNA testing equipment at the Institute of the First Ministry of Public Security. In recent years, a Ministry of Public Security, according to actual needs and technological development, GA118 forensic DNA testing platform for a technology upgrade, at the same time
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