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中共十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)11月15日全文发布,连续引发外界舆论热议,被认为改革力度前所未有。外媒认为,这份全面改革的蓝图,是中共至少近10年来最具雄心的改革计划,将使市场力量在中国这个全球第二大经济体中发挥更大作用。《决定》约2万字,分16个部分,涵盖15个领域、60个具体任务。作为中国全面深化改革的纲领性文件,《决定》从经济体制、政治体制、文化体制、社会体制、生态文明体制和党的建设制度改革等方面全面绘就未来改革蓝图,全面深化改革贯穿始终。这也被视作习近平、李克强等新一届领导人施政纲领的首次系统性亮相。《决定》指出,全面深化改革的总 The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Government on Several Important Issues concerning Overall Deepening Reform” (the “Decision”) was passed on November 15 at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It has continuously sparked heated discussion from outside public opinion and was regarded as unprecedented reform. According to foreign media, the blueprint of this comprehensive reform is the CCP’s most ambitious reform plan for at least the past 10 years, which will enable market forces to play a greater role in China, the world’s second largest economy. “Decided” about 20,000 words, divided into 16 parts, covering 15 areas, 60 specific tasks. As a programmatic document for all-round deepening of China’s reform, the “Decision” will comprehensively draw the blueprint for future reforms from the aspects of economic system, political system, cultural system, social system, ecological civilization system and the reform of the Party’s building system so as to deepen the reform throughout. This is also seen as the first systematic appearance of Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang’s new leaders’ policy agenda. The “Decision” pointed out that the overall deepening of the reform
本发明公开了一种生产乙醇的方法,其包括在反应器中在包含粘合剂和包含钴且优选锡的混合氧化物的催化剂存在下将乙酸和氢气接触, 其中所述混合氧化物的总数量在 60-90%重量分
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山西省文化艺术学校、山西职工文学院坚持改革、面向市场办教育,在竞争和进取中求生存、求发展,适时地把联合改制为山西(职业)艺术学院作为近期的奋斗目标。改制建院这件 S