Communication simulation of on-board diagnosis network in high-speed Maglev trains

来源 :Journal of Modern Transportation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxms008
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The on-board diagnosis network is the nervous system of high-speed Maglev trains,connecting all controller,sensors,and corresponding devices to realize the information acquisition and control.In order to study the on-board di-agnosis network’s security and reliability,a simulation model for the on-board diagnosis network of high-speed Mag-lev trains with the optimal network engineering tool(OPNET) was built to analyze the network’s performance,such as response error and bit error rate on the network load,throughput,and node-state response.The simulation model was verified with an actual on-board diagnosis network structure.The results show that the model results obtained are in good agreement with actual system performance and can be used to achieve actual communication network optimiza-tion and control algorithms. The on-board diagnosis network is the nervous system of high-speed Maglev trains, connecting all controller, sensors, and corresponding devices to realize the information acquisition and control. Order to study the on-board di-agnosis network’s security and reliability, a simulation model for the on-board diagnosis network of high-speed Mag-lev trains with the optimal network engineering tool (OPNET) was built to analyze the network’s performance, such as response error and bit error rate on the network load, throughput, and node-state response. The simulation model was verified with an actual on-board diagnosis network structure. The results show that the model results obtained are in good agreement with actual system performance and can be used to achieve actual communication network optimiza tion. control algorithms.
本文用甲基强的松龙冲击治疗无效的一组(32例)顽固性肾病综合症,采用大剂量环磷酰胺(CTX)冲击加激素疗法获得较满意的效果。现报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 病例情况:32例均符
贬谪对于一个封建文人来说,打击是很大的尤其是在心理上。文章通过对苏辙两次赴筠州的路线行踪及其诗歌创作的分析,认为其先后两次赴筠州的心态是不一样的,第一次苏辙还抱着对政治的热情和渴望,而第二次则在贬谪中消沉下去,没有一丝的政治热情。  熙宁二年王安石任参知政事,设制置三司条例司。他的上台拉开了熙丰变法的序幕,也开始了北宋中后期的党争历史。在支持和反对变法的过程中形成了两个阵营:支持变法的新党和反对变