大力实施“生态立县”战略 强力推进通道绿化和迹地更新造林

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今年以来,衡阳县实施“生态立县”战略,将通道绿化和迹地更新造林建设作为生态建设的重要内容,造林绿化建设成效显著。目前,全县已完成新造林面积6.5万亩,占市下达造林计划的138.3%,其中油茶造林0.75万亩,“三边”造林2.2万亩,迹地更新1.8万亩,其它造林1.75万亩。完成封山育林3.5万亩,造林抚育11.0万亩。全县已完成通道绿化1250公里,其中今年完成通道绿化950.5公里,国省县通道绿化310公里,占三年绿化任务的45.8%,乡村主干道640.5公里,占三年绿化任务的39.7%。种植樟树、柏木、桂花、银杏、夹竹桃、杜英、水杉、红叶石楠等 Since the beginning of this year, Hengyang County has implemented the strategy of “establishing a county based on ecology” and took the channel greening and reforested reforestation as an important part of ecological construction. The afforestation afforestation construction achieved remarkable results. At present, the county has completed a new afforestation area of ​​65,000 mu, accounting for 138.3% of afforestation projects in the city, of which 0.75 million mu of afforestation of Camellia and 22,000 mu of afforestation on the “three sides”, with an area of ​​18,000 mu and an additional afforestation of 17,500 mu. Complete afforestation 35000 acres of afforestation, afforestation 110000 acres. The county has completed 1,250 kilometers of greening roads, of which 950.5 kilometers of greenways have been completed this year, 310 kilometers of greenways of national provinces and prefectures, accounting for 45.8% of greening tasks for three years and 640.5 kilometers of rural arterial roads, accounting for 39.7% of greening tasks for three years. Planting camphor, cedar, sweet-scented osmanthus, gingko, oleander, Du Ying, Metasequoia, Photinia
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按照国家新闻出版广电总局《关于2014年换发新闻记者证的通知》(新广出发〔2014〕59号)精神和《新闻记者证管理办法》有关规定,我单位《会计之友》杂志社已对换发新闻记者证人员的资格进行了严格审核,现将名单进行公示,公示期2014年9月10日—9月20日,监督电话0351-4956066。  换发新闻记者证人员名单:李笑雪、冯秀果、宋丽梅  《会计之友》杂志社  2014年8月20日
Objective: To analysis the chromosome 8 heterozygosity loss in human prostate carcinoma and high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Methods: Pure DNA wa
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