
来源 :中国病案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu0211yan
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病案管理工作要紧跟时代发展,要适应各方面发展的需要。要适应医保制度,围绕医保政策有针对性地做好病案质量和病案信息的管理;由于电脑在病案管理中的广泛应用,电脑技术和软件的不断更新,我们要不断学习和调整知识结构,成为现代化、专业化病案管理人才;在提高病案的利用服务工作上,病案管理工作者要增强服务意识,除了对服务对象要提供热情、周到的服务外,还要做好病案利用服务的信息反馈工作,为主动开发病案信息资源提供依据。总之,病案管理的最终目的就是紧跟时代的发展。 The management of medical records must keep pace with the development of the times and must meet the needs of all aspects of development. To adapt to the medical insurance system, we must focus on the management of medical record quality and medical record information around the medical insurance policy; due to the widespread use of computers in the management of medical records, and the continuous renewal of computer technology and software, we must continue to learn and adjust the knowledge structure to become Modern and professional medical record management talents; in improving the utilization of medical records, medical record management workers should enhance service awareness. In addition to providing warm and considerate services to the clients, they must also do a good job of information feedback on medical record utilization services. , to provide the basis for the active development of medical record information resources. In short, the ultimate goal of medical record management is to keep pace with the development of the times.
叙述核桃发展方向、栽培现状,提出核桃生产建议。 Describe the development direction of walnut, cultivation status quo, proposed walnut production recommendations.
次级淋巴趋化因子 (SLC)是体内重要的CC趋化因子成员 ,被认为是第一个参与体内淋巴细胞归巢的趋化因子 ,其组织分布主要是外周淋巴组织或器官 ,趋化体内多种淋巴细胞 (包括T
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