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你是否已经厌烦了向人道谢的时候总是说“Thanks”、“Thank you”?下面就教你一些“不同凡響”的道谢语,可以派上大用场哦!  热情洋溢的“谢谢”:  I really appreciate it.  我很感谢。  You're one in a million.  你真是个大好人。  You're the greatest.  你最棒了。  称赞对方功劳的“谢谢”:  Thanks to
1. strength n. 力量;强硬;长处  For a small woman she has surprising strength. 她个子虽小,但力大惊人。  The great strength of our plan lies in its simplicity. 我们的方案很大的长处在于简单。  Tolerance is one of her many strengths. 宽容
Douglas Maurer, a 15 years old boy, had been feeling bad for days. His temperature ranged between 103 and 105 degrees, and he had severe flu-like symptoms. Finally his mother, Donna, took him to Child
1. a piece of cake  误:一块蛋糕  正:轻而易举的事  例句:Learning English is a piece of cake.  2. a small potato  误:一个小土豆  正:微不足道的人或物  例句:I know who I am. I'm just a small potato.  3. break a leg  误:打断一条腿  正:祝你好运  例句
一、 会话实例  Dialogue A  A: Can you tell me something about your school?  B: Sure. I’m studying at No. 3 Middle School. It has a history of over 100 years. The teachers are very kind. They always encourag
1. a busy bee 忙碌的人   2. an early bird早起的人   3. a cat nap 瞌睡   4. back the wrong horse 支持失敗的一方  5. lead a cat-and-dog life 过着吵闹的日子  6. rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨  7. do the donkey work 呆板的例常工作  8. a cold
1. Which one of the five makes the best comparison?  Boat is to water as airplane is to:  SUN—GROUND—WATER—SKY—TREE   (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)  2. Which one of the five makes the best compar
1. It's so warm that the dog is chasing the cat, but both are walking! 熱得狗都追不动猫了。(South Africa 南非)   2. Flies are falling down tired. 热得苍蝇都落下来!(Czech Republic 捷克共和国)  3. I'm sweating fat!我在出脂肪!(Denmar
Happy Marriage  A couple was celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. Their domestic tranquility (平靜) had long been the talk of the town. A local newspaper reporter was inquiring the secret of th
Google公司选用“google”一词用来代表在互联网上可以获得的海量的资源。那么,“google”一词到底是什么意思呢?  The Google name was chosen to represent the gigantic amount of material available on the Web. It comes from “googol” the number 1 follow
1. American dream  2. Castles in Spain  3. Chinese walls  4. corn in Egypt  5. flesh pots of Egypt  6. Egyptian punishment  7. Greek gifts  8. walk Spanish  9. take a French leave  10. from China to P