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面对入世的机遇与挑战,培养学习型干部对于我国政府部门在更加激烈的国内外市场竞争中做好各项管理工作和提高竞争力具有重要作用和意义。新时期培养学习型干部的重要性培养学习型干部是适应新形势新任务的必然要求,是迎接新挑战的必然选择。随着知识经济时代的到来,现代社会无论怎样的竞争,最终都将归结为人才的竞争,而只有动态型人才,才是适应发展和竞争不断变化的人才,而能够持续弥补专业、时间和社会需求之间差异的学习型干部,才是政府部门在现代社会取得竞争优势的核心所在。 In the face of the opportunities and challenges of joining the WTO, it is of great significance and significance to train learning-type cadres in the management of our government departments in the more intense domestic and international market competition and to enhance their competitiveness. The Importance of Cultivating Learning Cadres in the New Period The training of learning-oriented cadres is an inevitable requirement for new tasks and tasks in the new situation and an inevitable choice for us to meet the new challenges. With the advent of the era of knowledge-based economy, no matter what kind of competition in modern society, will ultimately be attributed to the talent competition, and only the dynamic type of personnel, is to adapt to the changing development and competition talent, and can continue to make up professional, time and society The difference between the demand of learning cadres, is the government department in the modern society to obtain the core of competitive advantage.
由于各种因素的作用和影响,工作面架前多次发生片帮、冒顶,严重影响正常生产和安全,直接影响综放技术发挥优势和效益。 Due to the influence and influence of various fac
焦家金矿望儿山分矿-430 m盲井2JTP-1.6 m提升机自投入运行以来,主副绳咬绳特别严重,对安全生产造成影响。为了彻底改变咬绳现象,消除不安全因素,对提升机卷筒衬木进行了改
Modern societies increasingly rely on automatic control systems. These systems are hardly pure technical systems; instead they are complex socio-technical syste
干部考核与干部监督是干部工作的重要内容 ,本文从漯河市源汇区委组织部实行组工干部联系领导制度的经验出发 ,初步走出了一条以干部动态考核为特征 ,以组工干部联系领导班子