
来源 :医学动物防制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thisxyl
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目的监测分析市售食品中铅污染状况,探讨污染原因,发现高危食品,为相关部门的监督管理提供科学依据。方法采用国家食品卫生检验方法中石墨炉原子吸收光谱法对市售的11种食品铅污染状况进行检测。结果铅含量检测值范围<0.005~1.576mg/kg,监测样品超标率为1.79%。超标率最高的是猪肝,为13.33%;其次是猪肾、蔬菜,分别为6.67%、3.33%。2008-2010年食品中铅的超标率分别为1.92%、2.78%和0.91%,铅超标率差异无统计学意义。结论 11类食品中除猪肝、猪肾和蔬菜外,其他8类食品铅含量均合格。2010年我市猪肝、猪肾的铅污染无超标,但蔬菜中铅污染仍存在,提示我市蔬菜仍受到铅的污染,需采取相应措施以保障市民饮食安全。 Objective To monitor and analyze the status of lead contamination in commercially available foodstuffs, investigate the causes of pollution and find high-risk foods to provide a scientific basis for the supervision and administration of relevant departments. Methods The national food hygiene test method was used to detect the lead pollution status of 11 commercially available products by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Results The detection limit of lead content ranged from 0.005 to 1.576 mg / kg. The over-standard rate of monitoring sample was 1.79%. Exceeding the highest rate is pig liver, 13.33%; followed by pig kidney, vegetables, respectively, 6.67%, 3.33%. The over-standard rates of lead in food from 2008 to 2010 were 1.92%, 2.78% and 0.91%, respectively. There was no significant difference in lead over-standard rate. Conclusion Among the 11 types of food except for liver, pig kidney and vegetables, the other eight categories of food lead content were qualified. In 2010, pig liver in our city, pig kidney no excessive lead pollution, but the lead pollution in vegetables still exists, suggesting that the city is still subject to lead pollution of vegetables, the need to take appropriate measures to protect the diet of the public safety.
The bonding of β’’-Al2O3 and pyrex glass to Al matrix composites by anodic bonding process is achieved. The microstructure of the bonded interface and the jo
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