
来源 :中山医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mdjsh123
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目的:评价电刺激治疗对大鼠脑梗塞后运动功能的影响及其机理。方法:观察正常SD大鼠在右侧大脑中动脉闭塞后,使用电刺激治疗6周时,大鼠运动功能的改善情况,结合透射电镜对大鼠脑内坏死边缘区(A区),远隔区(B区)及镜区(C区)3个脑区的突触数目及突触界面某些结构的变化进行了定量分析。结果:治疗组运动功能较对照组有一定的改善,治疗组在坏死边缘区有突触数目的增多,突触间隙变窄,突触活性区长度增加,突触后膜致密物质厚度增厚,而在远隔区及镜区,突触的数目及结构改变不明显。结论:电刺激可以改善急性脑梗塞偏瘫的运动功能,可能与电刺激通过外周神经通路,传到中枢,引起突触可塑性变化有关。 Objective: To evaluate the effect and mechanism of electrical stimulation on motor function after cerebral infarction in rats. Methods: After normal occlusion of right middle cerebral artery (MCAO) in normal SD rats, motor function of rats was observed after 6 weeks of electrical stimulation. Combined with transmission electron microscopy, the marginal zone of necrosis in rat brain (A zone) (B area) and the mirror area (C area), the number of synapses and the changes of some structures of the synaptic interfaces were quantitatively analyzed. Results: Compared with the control group, the motor function of the treatment group improved to a certain degree. The number of synapses in the marginal zone of necrosis increased, the synaptic cleft became narrower, the length of the synaptic active area increased, the thickness of the postsynaptic membrane dense material became thicker, In the remote area and the mirror area, the number and structure of the synaptic changes are not obvious. Conclusion: Electrical stimulation can improve the motor function of hemiplegia in acute cerebral infarction. It may be related to electrical stimulation through the peripheral nerve pathways and to the central nervous system, resulting in changes in synaptic plasticity.
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现代艺术珍品——熔铜艺术作者朱炳仁在现实生活中创新发展了铜雕艺术,潜心于多年研究,发明了无模可控熔铜工艺。根据铜的特性雕塑出各种奇 Modern art treasures - melting