A numerical model study on multi-species harmful algal blooms coupled with background ecological fie

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a175758624
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Based on systematized physical, chemical, and biological modules, a multi-species harmful algal bloom(HAB) model coupled with background ecological fields was established. This model schematically embodied that HAB causative algal species and the background ecological system, quantified as total biomass, were significantly different in terms of the chemical and biological processes during a HAB while the interaction between the two was present. The model also included a competition and interaction mechanism between the HAB algal species or populations. The Droop equation was optimized by considering temperature, salinity, and suspended material impact factors in the parameterization of algal growth rate with the nutrient threshold. Two HAB processes in the springs of 2004 and 2005 were simulated using this model. Both simulation results showed consistent trends with corresponding HAB processes observed in the East China Sea, which indicated the rationality of the model. This study made certain progress in modeling HABs, which has great application potential for HAB diagnosis, prediction, and prevention. Based on systematized physical, chemical, and biological modules, a multi-species algal bloom (HAB) model coupled with background ecological fields was established. This model is characterized by that HAB causative algal species and the background ecological system, quantified as total biomass, were significantly different in terms of the chemical and biological processes during a HAB while the interaction between the two was present. The model also included a competition and interaction mechanism between the HAB algal species or populations. The Droop equation was optimized by considering temperature, salinity , and suspended material impact factors in the parameterization of algal growth rate with the nutrient threshold. Two HAB processes in the springs of 2004 and 2005 were simulated using this model. Both simulation results showed consistent trends with corresponding HAB processes observed in the East China Sea , which indicates the rationality of the model. This study made certain progress in modeling HABs, which has great application potential for HAB diagnosis, prediction, and prevention.
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目的 细辛是一味常用中药,临床应用已有两千多年的历史。因其有毒,《中国药典》(2000年版)明确规定细辛用量为1~3g。然而《中国药典》规定的剂量并不为临床所遵循,大剂量使用细辛治疗多种病症者不乏其例,不但没有引起毒副反应,还获得了满意的临床效果。 究其原因,在于细辛的毒性及其机制不甚明了。有鉴于斯,本课题从文献研究和实验研究着手,希冀在此方面作一初步探讨,为临床安全有效地使用细辛提供