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培育发展社会组织是推进社会治理创新的必由之路。目前,武汉市的社会组织还未能在参与社会治理过程中充分发挥作用,主要原因在于:政府顶层设计缺失;社会组织自身生存能力弱;政府与社会组织的关系界定不清。为促进社会组织发展和参与社会共治,政府一要强化党建工作在发展社会组织过程中的引领作用,二要优化顶层设计,三要整合社会优势资源,加强培育和扶持,四要进一步理顺政府和社会组织的关系,加大政府购买公共服务力度,五要加强对社会组织的分类管理,六要加快建设智慧社区,为社会组织发挥作用搭建技术平台。 Cultivating and developing social organizations is the only way to promote innovation in social governance. At present, the social organizations in Wuhan have not been able to fully play their part in the process of social governance. The main reasons are: the lack of top-level government design; the weak ability of social organizations to survive; and the unclear definition of the relationship between the government and social organizations. In order to promote the development of social organizations and participation in community governance, the government should step up the leading role of party building in the development of social organizations. Second, we must optimize the top-level design. Third, we must integrate the resources of social superiorities so as to foster and support them. Government and social organizations, increase government efforts to purchase public services, five to strengthen the classification of social organizations, six to speed up the construction of smart communities, social organizations play a role in building a technology platform.
美国科学家最近提出,两亿年前地球上曾发生了一次迄今为止最为强烈的火山爆发,使古大陆分裂,从而形成了今天的大西洋。 据美国《科学》杂志报道,这一假设是加利福尼亚大学伯
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