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批发市场作为一种流通服务组织,具有如下特征:(1)批发市场有固定的场地和商品分装、加工、储运等配套服务设施;(2)在批发市场内陈列大量商品以供看样订货;(3)市场为吸引客户进场交易提供便利,市场管理机构不参与经营;(4)进场客户有相当经济实力,并经资格审批长期驻场。 从国外的实践看,批发市场的功能是多方面的,但其主要的功能是:1.商品集散功能;2.价格形成功能;3.结算功能;4.信息中心功能;5.加工配送功能;6.管理功能。 商品集散功能。批发市场为买卖双方提供公开、公平、公正的交易场所,即帮助购销双方从事大宗产品的预买预卖,转让合同、提供担保等。来自全国各地的客商在这里进行交易,各种商品通过批发市场运销到祖国的四面八方,使得批发市场成为各类商品的集散中心,配置了资源、改善了供求,缓解了矛盾。 价格形成功能。这是批发市场的重要功能,由于批发市场是集中交易,交易量大,参与交易的成员多,既有生产企业, As a circulation service organization, the wholesale market has the following characteristics: (1) The wholesale market has fixed venues and supporting facilities such as sub-assembly, processing, storage, and transportation; (2) Large quantities of goods are displayed in the wholesale market for Ordering; (3) The market facilitates the attraction of customer entry transactions, and the market management agency does not participate in the business; (4) The customer entering the market has considerable economic strength and has been qualified for long-term resident approval. Judging from the practice in foreign countries, the function of the wholesale market is multi-faceted, but its main functions are: 1. Commodity distribution function; 2. Price formation function; 3. Settlement function; 4. Information center function; 5. Processing and distribution function ;6. Management function. Product distribution function. The wholesale market provides buyers and sellers with open, fair, and fair trading venues, that is, to help buyers and sellers engage in pre-buy pre-sale of bulk products, transfer contracts, and provide guarantees. Merchants from all parts of the country trade here, and various commodities are shipped to the motherland in all directions through the wholesale market, making the wholesale market a center for the distribution of various types of commodities, deploying resources, improving supply and demand, and alleviating contradictions. Price formation function. This is an important function of the wholesale market. Since the wholesale market is a centralized transaction, the transaction volume is large, there are many members involved in the transaction, and there are both manufacturing enterprises.
一、广告主题: 核心:以主导产品—熊猫彩电系列广告为主角,通过不同阶段、不同媒介、不同层次和不同对象,展开产品的功能、质量和服务的系列宣传,使广大消费者从各侧面了解
新年伊始,首先代表《新作文》的全体编辑人员祝大家新年快乐,在新的一年里健康成长,学习进步。 回首2004年这个多事之秋,我们曾经震撼过,也曾经感动过;曾经痛心疾首过,也曾经