以健全的机制 规范的管理 加强检察队伍建设

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近年来,宝清县人民检察院坚持以规范强管理,以机制促发展的模式加强检察队伍建设,各项检察工作取得一定的成绩,我们的主要做法是:一、建立完善各项规章制度,从强化制约上规范检察工作我院从抓制度建设、规范化管理这项带有根本性的工作入手,制定了一套包括领导管理、检察业务、常务政务管理为内容的《检察工作制度汇编》发到全院干警手中,定期组织学习,使全院人人职责明确,监督范围清晰,照章办事,以职论责。特别是严格执行《廉政建设制度》、《检察工作内部监督制度》和《错案追究办法实施细则》等,使每个案件的办理及办案环节都运行有序。 In recent years, the People’s Procuratorate of Baoqing County has persisted in strengthening procuratorial ranks by standardizing its management and promoting development through mechanisms. The procuratorial work has made some achievements. Our main practices are: First, establish and improve various rules and regulations, Strengthen the control on the normative procuratorial work Our hospital from the grasp of system construction, standardized management of this with a fundamental work to develop a set of including leadership, procuratorial services, executive government affairs as the content of the “procuratorial work system compilation” was sent The hands of the police, the regular organization and learning, so that all the responsibilities of all people in the hospital, the scope of supervision is clear, according to the rules and regulations, responsibility and responsibility. In particular, strictly implementing the system of building an honest and clean government, the internal supervision system of procuratorial work, and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Measures for Misstatement, so that the handling and handling of cases in each case are well run.
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各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位:现将《广州市刑满释放和解除劳动教养人员安置帮教工作规定》印发给你们,请遵照执行。 All districts, county-level city people’s