The Design and Analysis of Helium Turbine Expander Impeller with a Given All-Over-Controlled Vortex

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tingyuanzhu
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To make the large-scale helium cryogenic system of fusion device EAST(experimental advanced super-conducting tokamak)run stably,as the core part,the helium turbine expander must meet the requirement of refrigeration capacity.However,previous designs were based on one dimension flow to determine the average fluid parameters and geometric parameters of impeller cross-sections,so that it could not describe real physical processes in the internal flow of the turbine expander.Therefore,based on the inverse proposition of streamline curvature method in the context of quasi-three-dimensional flows,the all-over-controlled vortex concept was adopted to design the impeller under specified condition.The wrap angle of the impeller blade and the whole flow distribution on the meridian plane were obtained;meanwhile the performance of the designed impeller was analyzed.Thus a new design method is proposed here for the inverse proposition of the helium turbine expander impeller. To make the large-scale helium cryogenic system of fusion device EAST (experimental advanced super-conducting tokamak) run stably, as the core part, the helium turbine expander must meet the requirement of refrigeration capacity. However, previous designs were based on one dimension flow to determine the average fluid parameters and geometric parameters of impeller cross-sections, so that it could not describe the physical processes in the internal flow of the turbine expander. Wherefore, based on the inverse proposition of streamline curvature method in the context of quasi -three-dimensional flows, the all-over-controlled vortex concept was adopted to design the impeller under specified condition. The wrap angle of the impeller blade and the whole flow distribution on the meridian plane were obtained; meanwhile the performance of the designed impeller was analyzed.Thus a new design method is proposed here for the inverse proposition of the helium turbine expander impeller.
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[摘 要] 随着经济的不断发展,我国的教育事业也随之加快了发展速度,同时中国一直被视为黄金市场,市场营销专业的发展也受到了一定的影响。随着教学改革的逐渐深入,传统教学模式的教学已经不能满足市场营销教学的发展以及学生的需求,因此,对市场营销专业进行创新与优化非常有必要。结合实践经历,探究市场营销专业的教学方法,提高学生的职业能力,希望对相关教育者有一定的借鉴作用。  [关 键 词] 职业能力;市场营
摘 要:在新课程实施的十几个年头中,小学数学的教学模式发生了重大转变。小组合作学习已逐步运用到教学实践当中。在运用过程中,为了避免小组合作流于形式,教师必须根据教学内容、学生认知水平,发挥其扬长避短、集思广益的教学优势。真正使小组合作学习在小学数学教学中发挥出应有的作用。  关键词:小学数学;小组合作学习;策略  根据新课程标准的教学理念要求,数学教师应当遵循学生的学习心理和认知规律,创设贴近学生