A comparative review of petrogenetic processes beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Geochemical const

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The origin and petrogenesis of the Cameroon Volcanic Line(CVL),composed of volcanoes that form on both the ocean floor and the continental crust,are difficult to understand because of the diversity,heterogeneity,and nature of available data.Major and trace elements,and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data of volcanic rocks of the CVL spanning four decades have been compiled to reinterpret their origin and petrogenesis.Volcanic rocks range from nephelinite,basanite and alkali basalts to phonolite,trachyte and rhyolite with the presence of a compositional gap between Si O258e64 wt.%.Similarities in geochemical characteristics,modeled results for two component mixing,and the existence of mantle xenoliths in most mafic rocks argue against significant crustal contamination.Major and trace element evidences indicate that the melting of mantle rocks to generate the CVL magma occurred dominantly in the garnet lherzolite stability field.Melting models suggest small degree(<3%)partial melting of mantle bearing(6e10%)garnet for Mt.Etinde,the Ngaoundere Plateau and the Biu Plateau,and<5%of garnet for the oceanic sector of the CVL,Mt.Cameroon,Mt.Bambouto,Mt.Manengouba and the Oku Volcanic Group.The Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systematics suggest that mixing in various proportions of Depleted MORB Mantle(DMM)with enriched mantle 1 and 2(EM1 and EM2)could account for the complex isotopic characteristics of the CVL lavas.Low Mg number(Mg#100 Mg O/(Mg O t Fe O))and Ni,Cr and Co contents of the CVL mafic lavas reveal their crystallization from fractionated melts.The absence of systematic variation in Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios,and Sr-Nd isotope compositions between the mafic and felsic lavas indicates progressive evolution of magmas by fractional crystallization.Trace element ratios and their plots corroborate mantle heterogeneity and reveal distinct geochemical signatures for individual the CVL volcanoes. The origin and petrogenesis of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), composed of volcanoes that form on both the ocean floor and the continental crust, are difficult to understand because of diversity, heterogeneity, and nature of available data. Major and trace elements, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data of volcanic rocks of the CVL spanning four generations have been compiled to reinterpret their origin and petrogenesis. Volcanic rocks range from nephelinite, basanite and alkali basalts to phonolite, trachyte and rhyolite with the presence of a compositional gap between Si O258e64 wt.%. Similarities in geochemical characteristics, modeled results for two component mixing, and the existence of mantle xenoliths in most mafic rocks argue against significant crustal contamination. Major and trace element evidences that the melting of mantle rocks to generate the CVL magma occurred dominantly in the garnet lherzolite stability field. Melting models suggest small degree (<3%) partial melting of mantle bearing (6e10%) garnet for Mt. Ettinde, the Ngaoundere Plateau and the Biu Plateau, and <5% of garnet for the oceanic sector of the CVL, Mt. Cameroon, Mt.Bambouto, Mt.Manengouba and the Oku Volcanic Group. Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systematics suggest that mixing in various proportions of Depleted MORB Mantle (DMM) with enriched mantle 1 and 2 (EM1 and EM2) could account for the complex isotopic characteristics of the CVL lavas. Low Mg number (Mg # 100 Mg O / (Mg O t Fe O)) and Ni, Cr and Co contents of the CVL mafic lavas reveal their crystallization from fractionated melts. Absence of systematic variation in Nb / Ta and Zr / Hf ratios, and Sr-Nd isotope compositions between the mafic and felsic lavas indicates progressive evolution of magmas by fractional crystallization.Trace element ratios and their plots corroborate mantle heterogeneity and reveal distinct geochemical signatures for individual the CVL volcanoes.
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自1990年2月~1993年12月,运用中西医结合方法治疗慢性活动性乙型肝炎,取得较好疗效,现总结如下。 临床资料 本组病例均符合1984年全国病毒性肝炎会议拟订的肝炎诊标准。单纯
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