
来源 :果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cardio
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我县受省、地科委委托,1976年开始在费县上冶区周家庄村进行板栗幼树密植高产栽培技术研究。至1984年,经过9年的时间,完成了从幼树早期丰产,到间移变化密度保持稳产高产,到利用间移树重建新园等配套技术的研究。经过逐年产量验收,三次突破了亩产千斤,取得了较大的经济效益,并已在生产中推广应用。试验园面积为2.049亩,河滩小平地,沙质壤土,土深1米,PH值为5.92,可以灌溉。1976年4月上旬,以5~7年生幼树作砧木定植,当年进行良种嫁接。试验分为两个密度:一片0.964亩,株行距为1.5×2米, Commissioned by the county by the province, the Science and Technology Commission, 1976 started in Zhouxiazhang Village, Shangye District, Fei County chestnut young tree planting high-yielding cultivation techniques. By 1984, after nine years, it completed the research on supporting technologies from early sapling in early sapling to inter-shifting change density to maintain stable and high yield, and using new shrubs to reestablish new gardens. After a year of production acceptance, breakthrough three times per mu yield, achieved greater economic benefits, and has been in the production of the promotion and application. Test area of ​​2,049 acres of the park, a small beach, sandy loam, 1 meter deep soil, PH value of 5.92, can be irrigated. In early April 1976, 5-7 year-old young trees were planted as rootstocks and grafted on that year. Test is divided into two density: a piece of 0.964 acres, spacing of 1.5 × 2 meters,
在美国的东北部和安大略州的南部,以杏树作为栽培树种来建立自采果园,具有很大的潜力。用于建立自采果园的杏树,其树体应表现为矮化或半矮化,还应具备结果早、果个 In the
FEM simulation is conducted for the foundation settlement of backfill slope of high bridge approach. On the basis of all kinds of stress contour sketches and da
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