
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjyydtj1
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近 2 0年来国内外关于面神经术中监测的基础与临床研究取得了一定的进展 ,面神经术中监测在国外已广泛应用于临床 ,在国内临床应用也开始起步。在耳科和颅底外科中当面神经周围的解剖比较复杂时 ,面神经术中监测可以识别面神经在骨及软组织中的走行 ,减少术中对面神经的损伤。目前研究热点为刺激阈值及 EMG(面肌电图 )的振幅、潜伏期对面神经预后功能的评估 ,有关面神经监测的适宜刺激参数及 EMG的指标对面神经预后评估等问题仍需进一步探讨。 In the recent 20 years, some progresses have been made in the basic and clinical researches of facial nerve monitoring at home and abroad. The monitoring of facial nerve has been widely used in clinical practice in foreign countries and the clinical application in China has also begun to be started. In the otology and cranial base surgery, the anatomy around the facial nerve is complex, facial nerve monitoring can identify facial nerve in the bones and soft tissue of the run, reduce intraoperative facial nerve damage. At present, the study focuses on the stimulus threshold and the amplitude of EMG (facial electromyogram), the evaluation of the prognosis of facial nerve during the incubation period, the appropriate stimulation parameters for facial nerve monitoring and EMG evaluation on facial nerve prognosis and other issues still need to be further explored.
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