Microwave-induced synthesis and characterization of nanometer Ce_(0.5)Zr_(0.5)O_2 solid solution for

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qianchuanzhishui
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Ce_(0.5)Zr_(0.5)O_2 solid solution was successfully synthesized using cerium nitrate,zirconium nitrate,and urea as raw materials by the microwave irradiation method and characterized by X-ray diffraction,fluorescence spectrum,transmission electron microscopy,and infrared spectrum. Its acid catalytic activity was evaluated in the esterification reaction of acetic acid and n-butyl alcohol.The results show that Ce_(0.5)Zr_(0.5)O_2 solid solution has cubic fluorite structure,and its particle diameter is in the nanometer scale.As a sort of solid acid,it possesses a higher acid catalytic activity and can be easily separated from reaction liquids.It can be used for several times,and basically,its activity keeps constant. The proton acid sites and Lewis acid sites exist in the structure of Ce_(0.5)Zr_(0.5)O_2 solid solution. Ce 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 solid solution was successfully synthesized using cerium nitrate, zirconium nitrate, and urea as raw materials by the microwave irradiation method and characterized by X-ray diffraction, fluorescence spectrum, transmission electron microscopy, and infrared spectrum. Its acid catalytic activity was evaluated in the esterification reaction of acetic acid and n-butyl alcohol. The results show that Ce_ (0.5) Zr_ (0.5) O_2 solid solution has cubic fluorite structure, and its particle diameter is in the nanometer scale. As a sort of solid acid, it possesses a higher acid catalytic activity and can be easily separated from reaction liquids.It can be used for several times, and basically, its activity keeps constant. The proton acid sites and Lewis acid sites exist in the structure of Ce_ (0.5) Zr_ (0.5) O_2 solid solution.
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