
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catbull
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小组合作学习有利于形成探究学习的氛围,培养学生自主参与的意识,有助于学生合作精神和团队意识的培养,能有效地提高学生的学习能力,促进学生社会化发展。那么,怎样才能让数学课堂中的小组合作学习更有效呢?1.合作学习并不单指学生与学生之间的学习互动,它还包括了学生与教师之间的互动。有些教师把合作学习理解为全部是学生的活动,而没有教师的参与和点拨。事实上,这是一种 Group cooperative learning is conducive to the formation of the atmosphere of inquiry learning, cultivating the awareness of students participating in autonomy, contributing to the cooperation of students and the cultivation of team awareness, which can effectively improve students’ learning ability and promote the socialization of students. So, how can we make the cooperative learning in math class more effective? 1. Cooperative learning does not only mean the learning interaction between students and students, but also includes the interaction between students and teachers. Some teachers understand collaborative learning as all student activities without the participation and instrumentation of teachers. In fact, this is one kind
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Phase is one of the most important parameters of electromagnetic waves. It is the phase distribution that determines the propagation, reflection, refraction, fo
<正> 一、概况水地河遗址是1985年9月文物普查当中由巩县文管所的同志首先发现,当时便采集了一部分仰韶文化和河南龙山文化的陶片和石器标本。1986年元月和1987年7月,郑州市文物工作队与巩县文管所又多次共同对这处遗址进行了复查。先后发现仰韶文化房基4座,灰坑3个,墓葬1座,河南龙山文化灰坑2个,并在遗址中部一断崖处发现了直接压在仰韶文化遗存之下的裴李岗文化遗
Alkali induced morphology and property improvements of TiO 2 by hydrothermal reaction were investigated.The products were characterized by SEM,TEM,XRD,TG,EDX,FT