
来源 :长沙水电师院社会科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:msdn_sdk
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学界通常将第二次国共合作不同于第一次国共合作的特点.归纳为四点:成份极为广泛,队伍很复杂;国共两党都有军队和政权;没有固定的组织形式和共同的政治纲领;处于有利而复杂的国际环境之下。本文对此提出异议,认为第二次国共合作的特点是:(1)第二次国共合作是全民族组成的民族解放战争联盟,统一战线内部的矛盾和人民与汉奸、亲日派的矛盾有着原则区别.不应过分强调统一战线内部斗争的尖锐性;(2)第二次国共合作是以抗日救亡为旗帜,以求同存异、“两制共处”为合作的基本方式,不能说没有共同纲领和固定的组织形式;(3)第二次国共合作是世界反法西斯战线的重要组成部分,是反法西斯东方阵线的坚实基础,以国际环境的“有利而又复杂”作为它的特点,没有触及问题的实质。 The academic community usually distinguishes the second Kuomintang-Communist cooperation from the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. Summarized into four points: a very wide range of ingredients, the team is very complicated; both the KMT and the KMT army and the regime; there is no fixed organizational form and common political platform; in a favorable and complex international environment. This paper argues that the second cooperation between the KMT and the CPC is characterized by: (1) The second cooperation between the KMT and the CPC is a coalition of national liberation wars composed of all ethnic groups. The conflicts within the united front and the contradictions between the people and traitors and pro-Japanese schools have The principle difference. (2) The second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party should be based on the anti-Japanese national salvation and the principle of seeking common ground while putting aside differences and “two systems should be co-located” as the basic mode of cooperation. We can not say that there is no common platform and a fixed organization Form; (3) The second cooperation between the KMT and the CPPCC is an important part of the world anti-fascist front and a solid foundation for the Farside Eastern Front. Taking the “favorable and complicated” international environment as its characteristics, it does not touch on the essence of the issue.
<正> 我是一个女巫,一生下来就是。我喜欢小动物,喜欢小花小草,喜欢阳光,喜欢星星……也喜欢帮助别人。我热爱着身边的一切。我有一头长至脚跟的黑发。妈妈在走的那一年告诉
目的 探讨建立改良式猪经颈静脉肝内门体静脉内支架分流术 (TIPSS)模型的可行性及其意义。方法  11只家猪分成 2组 ,7只采用改良术式 (经肝段下腔静脉穿刺门脉 )建立TIPSS